金山大学商学院研讨会日程, 研讨会
“A Rational Inattention Unemployment Trap” by Prof. Martin Ellison
14 May 2019 | 16:30 - 18:00
910, K. K. Leung Building
Prof. Martin Ellison
Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
University of Oxford
Professor of Economics
Department of Economics
University of Oxford
We show that introducing rational inattention into a model with uninsurable unemployment risk can generate multiple steady states, when the same model with full information has a unique steady state. The model features heterogeneity and persistence in household labour market expectations, consistent with survey evidence. In a heterogeneous agent New Keynesian model, we find that rational inattention to the future hiring rate generates a high employment steady state with moderate inflation, and an unemployment trap with very low (but positive) inflation and a low job hiring rate.