百胜中国首席执行官及港大校友屈翠容女士 分享《财富》500强企业如何化挑战为机遇

港大经管学院今天举办2023年「陈坤耀杰出学人讲座」,邀请了中国最大的餐饮公司百胜中国首席执行官、港大校友屈翠容女士担任主讲嘉宾,以「一位港大毕业生及财富500 CEO眼中的中国」为题,分享在新冠疫情的冲击之下,百胜中国这家《财富》500强企业如何化挑战为机遇,在逆境中带领公司持续发展,进一步扩大业务版图。



图1:百胜中国首席执行官、港大校友屈翠容女士担任2023年「陈坤耀杰出学人讲座」 主讲嘉宾。







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Kudos to Prof. Gedeon Lim for His Insightful Research on Inter-Ethnic Relations!
2025 | 学院新闻
Kudos to Prof. Gedeon Lim for His Insightful Research on Inter-Ethnic Relations!
We’re happy to share that the article Prof. Gedeon Lim contributed to, titled "How does interacting with other ethnicities shape political attitudes?" has been published on VoxDev! In this research, it examines how living near resettlement sites for ethnic minorities in Malaysia can shift political preferences. His findings reveal that closer proximity not only improves economic outcomes but also fosters casual interactions in shared public spaces. VoxDev serves as a vital platform for economists, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss key development issues, making expert insights accessible to a wide audience. Join us in exploring Prof. Lim’s contributions to understanding how inter-ethnic contact can drive positive social change! Read more here: https://bit.ly/3Cu2938
HKU Business School Launches Inaugural Overseas Alumni Network in the Middle East
2025 | 学院新闻
HKU Business School Launches Inaugural Overseas Alumni Network in the Middle East
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