

Two teams of HKU Business School students won four awards at the ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2020-21, including 2nd Runner Up, Digital Excellence Award, Research Excellence Award and Merit Award on January 23, 2021.

Themed “Rewiring our future: leading digital innovation and sustainable success”, the competition required students to design a campaign, project or product for the selected industry, and to share their vision and ideas on a business model in a world of uncertainties, creating sustainable value with public interests at heart.

Aiming at nurturing students with a blend of accounting and business knowledge alongside values of social responsibility, ACCA launched this annual competition since 2007. Students benefit from a broad range of skills training workshops and coaching from the ACCA fellow members, to enhance their analytical, proposal writing and presentation skills.

The team “EdMotion” receives the 2nd Runner-up and Research Excellence Award

EdMotion – 2nd Runner-up and Research Excellence Award
Miss Lam Tsz Lik, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 1 (3rd from right)
Mr. Tsui Tsun Ming, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2 (4th from right)
Miss Yang Qingfang, BBA(IS), Year 2 (3rd from left)
Miss Yeung Ka Yan, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 2 (4th from left)
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Winnie Leung

Sharing of the team:
ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition encourages students to leverage technology to grasp business opportunities. Since ACCA is advocating “inclusion”, it also hopes students be able to think of business ideas that make a positive social impact.
Throughout the competition, we had submitted our business proposal, a three-minute video about our business idea and a PowerPoint for the final presentation.

The experience broadened our business horizons. We had vivid discussions with the coach – ACCA member Mr. Derek Hui, Planning & Production Control Manager, HAECO Hong Kong and learned more about how the business world works. We also became more socially aware as we dug deeper into our business ideas targeting ethnic minority students.

The team “ARthlete” receives Merit Award and Digital Excellence Award

ARthlete – Merit Award and Digital Excellence Award

Miss Chen Ying Hei Helena, BBA(IBGM), Year 2 (2nd from left)
Miss Keung Sum Yuet, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2 (1st from left)
Mr. Sheung Chi Long, BBA(IBGM), Year 2 (2nd from right)
Miss Yeung Seen Yan, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2 (middle)
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Winnie Leung

Sharing of the team:

Team ARthlete’s proposal leveraged on AR and AI technologies to create a business model that delivered an effective means of physical training online. ARthlete aimed to improve the physical education experiences of students during the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as to promote a healthier lifestyle to the general public and to facilitate the training of professional athletes. In this competition, our team realised that generating a positive impact for the greater community was essential to achieve a sustainable business. Furthermore, in view of the rapid development in technology, creative minds for its implementation was vital to improve the living standards everywhere.

Our team was extremely grateful for being one of the finalist teams and received the Merit Award and Digital Excellence Award. We would like to express our most sincere gratitude to Dr. Winnie Leung and the coach – ACCA member Mr. Charles Chan, Tax Services, Partner from PwC who offered their kind assistance throughout the competition. Our team would continue to strive for a more sustainable business world as the world becomes more interconnected with digital developments.

Learn more about the competition: https://www.accaglobal.com/hk/en/student/support-students/hk-business-competition-2020.html


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