HKU Business School Launches 2nd Overseas Alumni Network in the Middle East

HKU Business School Launches 2nd Overseas Alumni Network in the Middle East

HKU Business School is thrilled to announce the establishment of our 2nd international alumni network, in the Middle East.

Alongside current full-time MBA students and local business leaders, our Inaugural Executive Committee and other fellow alumni celebrated this momentous occasion together at The Palace Downtown Dubai.

Led by EMBA Global Asia alumnus, Hani Tohme, who will serve as the Inaugural President, this Middle East Alumni Network will serve as a strong signal of our business school’s growing and strategic presence in this dynamic region.

The Inaugural Executive Committee proudly also includes our successful and devoted alumni, Milind Taneja, Betty Tsai, Govind Gautam, Anupam Sehgal, Peter Brady, Stephen Wu and Maksim Nelepa.

Special thanks to Mr. Leo Poon, Deputy Director at the HKETO, for officiating the kick-off ceremony.

With a current alumni base of approximately 50 in the region, which is constantly and consistently rising, it is our pleasure to create this new platform for our community to connect, engage, and collaborate with each other in the United Arab Emirates for years to come.

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