Three FBE students win prizes in the HKSI Institute Scholarship Programme 2021

Three FBE students win prizes in the HKSI Institute Scholarship Programme 2021

Three undergraduate FBE students took part in the HKSI Institute Scholarship Programme 2021 and were awarded 1st Runner-up, Team Award and Finalists.

Since first introduced in 2004, the HKSI Institute Scholarship Programme has provided more than 800 university students with an avenue to advance their career development for the finance industry.

For this year, participants had to submit a 1,000-word essay on the topic “How the COVID-19 has changed the world?”. Selected finalists were teamed up to work on the research project on the topic “Identify 3 major challenges impacting Research Project Sponsor’s sector due to COVID-19, and propose measures to address them” and presentation. The awardees had been offered cash prizes, 1-year HKSI membership and HKSI Institute eCredit.

Sharing from the awardees

1st Runner-up & Team Award – LAU Pak Hei Austin, BBA(Law)&LLB

“The HKSI Scholarship Program has surely been a rewarding journey for a year 1 student like me. Through rounds of oral presentations and essay writings, I have learned how Covid-19 made an impact to the banking sector and to financial regulations. My mentor, Mr. Dicky Hung from SPD Bank provided me with career insights and guidance on my group project. The program allowed me to realize the potential of my double-degree program and kick start my career in an early stage.”

Finalist – Cheung Lok Yiu Anson, BBA(Acc&Fin) 

“It is my honour to be one of the awardees of the HKSI Institute Scholarship Programme 2021 where I have the exclusive and precious opportunity to connect, network with and learn from business leaders!  I have also gained insights in the accounting industry after conducting the research project with my teammate.”

Finalist – Ma Leo, BBA(Law)&LLB

“The HKSI Institute Scholarship is an invaluable experience that allows me to explore challenges and opportunities from companies’ perspective, as well as to learn from and connect with experienced practitioners and aspiring peers. Students from all business disciplines should not hesitate to join and explore your potential.”

Professor Anna Wong, Programme Director of Asset Management and Private Banking, and ex-Director of the Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute was at the Award Presentation and met Austin, Anson and Leo.    

“The best learning for students is learning outside of the classroom, the HKSI Scholarship Programme provides students with an excellent platform to learn and interact directly with industry practitioners.  My congratulations go to Austin, Anson and Leo.”


From the left: Ms Katherine Ng, Chairman, HKSI, Mr Leo Ma, Ms. Anson Cheung, Prof Anna Wong, Mr. Austin Lau, Ms Ruth Kung, Chief Executive, HKSI

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