
Students from HKU Business School won three awards in the HKGCC Business Case Competition including Champion – Great Eagle Group, Champion – NEC and 2nd Runner-up – NWS.

Themed “Building better, brighter businesses”, the competition invited tertiary students and recent graduates to provide ideas and solutions to crack the business cases formulated by one of the five sponsors, including Citibank, Great Eagle Group, NEC, NWS and Sino Group.

Top 5 teams from each sponsor’s track were selected to proceed to the Semi-Final (Mentoring Phase) where mentors from each sponsor’s track provided guidance to the Semi-final Teams to refine their respective submissions. Top 3 teams from each sponsor’s track were selected to participate in the Final round and pitch their business ideas to the panel judges on January 22, 2021.

HKGCC Business Case Competition was launched in 2019 to promote the exchange of ideas between university students and businesses as well as encourages students to develop innovative and creative solutions for real-life business cases. Learn more about the competition: https://www.chamber.org.hk/bcc2020/

The team “British Army” receives Champion – Great Eagle Group

British Army: Champion – Great Eagle Group

Mr. Tsang Chun Wai, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 2 (2nd from right)

(This team comprises four other team members from Faculty of Architecture, The University of Hong Kong and School of Business and Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.)

Sharing of Tsang Chun Wai

Developing a business proposal was not as easy as we thought. Innovativeness was the biggest challenge. Many solutions had already been adopted, particularly for technologies related to climate change. Hence we had to take extra steps to dig deeper into various sources of information to find technologies that were truly innovative.

For most of our team members, this was the first experience of pitching a business proposal. The pitching round for the competition was especially difficult since we only had 5 minutes to present our ideas. Therefore, we had to be very precise in extracting the key messages we wanted to deliver out of our detailed proposal. We also had to be creative and inspiring to capture the attention of the judges. It was a difficult but rewarding experience.

The teamHERON” receives Champion – NEC

HERON: Champion – NEC

Miss Yeung Yan Yan, BBA, Year 2 (1st from left)

(This team comprises 2 other team members from School of Decision Sciences, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong and School of Business and Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.)

Sharing of Yeung Yan Yan

This competition equipped us with the latest and innovative adaptation of AI technology to be applied to the hotel industry with regard to the four major aspects — Remote, Transparency, Touchless, and Automation. Apart from understanding the Next Normal Solutions, we also learned more about hotel technologies such as unified app platforms, digital signage, robotics, smart check-in, and out system. These technologies not only aimed at bringing convenience to the customer, they also emphasised safety under the pandemic to boost customers’ confidence. This valuable experience also taught us not to overlook the warmth and hospitality even with the usage of gadgets and machines. The real interaction between customers and hotels was a vital element to attain public attention and strengthen closer bonding. After all, we gained precious experience in developing business proposals and learnt about the practical application of pioneering technology in this competition.

The team “Morphy” receives 2nd Runner-up – NWS

Morphy: 2nd Runner-up – NWS

Miss Chan Sum Yu, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3 (3rd from right)

Miss Chui Tinbo, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3 (3rd from left)

Mr. Lau Chung Yan, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3 (2nd from left)

Miss Shum Denise, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 3 (2nd from right)

(This team comprises 1 other team member from Department of Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong.)

Sharing of HKU team members:

This priceless experience had inspired us from comprehensive perspectives. During the preparation stage, we enriched ourselves with an exploration of this novel industry, ranging from its current challenges to future opportunities. Meanwhile, by listening to other teams’ presentations and judges’ comments, we had a taste of the real business world by the practical consideration such as revenue forecast as well as integration of profitability and sustainability. We were honoured to be offered this chance to nourish our technical knowledge and soft skills, unleashing our potential beyond the classroom.

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