1st Runner-up at HSBC Global Private Banking Case Challenge 2023


HSBC Global Private Banking Case Challenge is a highly competitive competition that spanned across universities in Singapore and Hong Kong. Over 500 teams participated. The HKU team, comprising of 3 students from HKU Business School and 1 student from Faculty of Arts, went through two rounds of challenges and was one of the four teams advancing to the Final Round. The Final presentation took place on 16th October 2023 at the HSBC Building in Central with live interactions with their counterparts in Singapore.

The Case Challenge provides learning opportunities for the participants including investment themes, portfolio construction, risk management and company analysis. Each of the final round teams was assigned a mentor from HSBC Global Private Banking to provide guidance throughout the process.


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1st Runner-up



Miss Yau Tsz Ting, BFin(AMPB), Year 4 (photo position: middle)

Miss Yip Chun Yan, BFin(AMPB), Year 4 (photo position: 2nd from left)

Mr. Chan Ho Bun Curtis, BEcon&Fin, Year 5 (photo position: 2nd from right)

(The team comprises 1 other team member from the Faculty of Arts, The University of Hong Kong.)


Students Sharing:

“Participating in the private banking case challenge has been an enriching experience, equipping me with a diverse skill set essential for the financial sector. Through the challenge, I delved into the intricacies of market research, focusing on macroeconomic factors that influence investment decisions. This deep dive allowed me to better interpret economic trends and their impact on financial strategies. Furthermore, I honed my credit analysis skills, becoming proficient in assessing credit risk and understanding lending practices. Asset allocation was another key aspect, enhancing my ability to make informed investment decisions for clients. In addition, I learned the importance of delivering both quantity and quality service recommendations and tailoring financial solutions to individual client needs. This comprehensive experience has undoubtedly broadened my understanding of private banking and will prove invaluable in my future endeavours within the financial industries.”

(By YAU Tsz Ting (Tina))


“It has been a remarkable and unforgettable journey with this brilliant team. Throughout the case challenge, we immersed ourselves into the dynamic world of private banking, from identifying client needs to customizing investment portfolios. It gave me an in-depth understanding on how private bankers cover the needs of their clients in an all-rounded manner and staying abreast of financial market trends for optimal portfolio allocation. It has been a pleasure working with such talented group members and it is undoubtedly one of my proudest achievements throughout my university life.”

(By CHAN Ho Bun Curtis)


“Joining the case challenge is a remarkable experience to draw on in my future career, as I have been able to get a good grasp of the banking industry’s inner workings. Our experience in asset allocation enhanced my proficiency in portfolio management and investment strategies.

In addition, I explored credit analysis, evaluating borrowers’ creditworthiness, financial stability, and risk factors. This knowledge informed lending decisions that balance profitability and risk mitigation in banking and lending practices. The challenge also provided an opportunity to focus on quality service recommendations, improving my ability to tailor financial solutions to individual client needs. I honestly have to say that this is by far one of the most fruitful and empowering experiences throughout my career. I am able to learn from the abstract concept in a real-life situation and develop my analytics skills and presentation skills.”

(By YIP Chun Yan (Rachel))

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