AMPB Alumni Homecoming 2024: A Celebration of Connections and Achievements

AMPB Alumni Homecoming 2024: A Celebration of Connections and Achievements

On September 13th, 2024, The University of Hong Kong played host to the highly anticipated AMPB Alumni Homecoming Party, bringing together an exceptional group of individuals from the Asset Management and Private Banking (AMPB) programme. With over 70 guests in attendance—including industry practitioners who have served as our adjunct professors, guest mentors and guest speakers, our AMPB alumni and faculty members.  The event was a vibrant celebration of professional achievements and enduring relationships.

The evening commenced with a warm and inspiring welcoming message by Prof. Anna Wong, Programme Director for Asset Management and Private Banking and Mr. Joseph H. L. Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury of the Hong Kong SAR Government.  Professor Wong highlighted AMPB’s inauguration ceremony was held in the same function room exactly 7 years ago.  Both speakers reflected on the immense growth of the AMPB community over the years, highlighting the programme’s pivotal role in shaping leaders for the ever-evolving financial landscape.

A key part of the event was the alumni sharing session, where graduates from various cohorts spoke about their career journeys, successes, and challenges. Each of them were asked to use one word to express their feelings about the AMPB programme, three words from them were “unexpected”, “grateful” and “transformative”.

The energy of the evening was further amplified by mini games designed to foster interaction among the participants, adding a fun and playful element to the occasion.

The event concluded with a mingling session between the alumni and guests.  The AMPB Alumni Homecoming 2024 was more than just a reunion; it was a celebration of the thriving community that continues to support one another in their personal and professional endeavors.

We look forward to seeing these connections continue to grow and strengthen, paving the way for future collaborations and successes within the AMPB community.


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