Asset Management and Private Banking Programme – “Meeting the Practitioners”

The Asset Management and Private Banking (AMPB) Programme provides students with the opportunities to meet senior practitioners in the finance industry. Three events were held in the second semester of 2023-2024.

Meeting the Vice Chairman of the Family Office Association Hong Kong

On 23 January 2024, we hosted Mr. Jim Kwok, the Vice Chairman of the Family Office Association Hong Kong and the CEO of the Topaz Family Office Ltd.

Mr. Kwok provided insights into Hong Kong’s family office industry.  During his sharing, he talked about his experience of advancing his career path and emphasized the diversity and skills transferability of the finance industry. Mr. Kwok shared with us that he began his career in securities and started meeting customers and investors. He develops his interest in understanding the holistic needs of his customers, and believes Hong Kong has a significant role to play in managing family wealth. His passion motivates him and makes him a co-founder of Topaz Family Office.

(From left) Mr. Jim Kwok of Family Office Association Hong Kong; Prof. Anna Wong of HKU


Meeting the Managing Director and the Head of Investment Management at Goldman Sachs Asia

On 29 February 2024, we were joined by Dr. Jacky Tang, who is currently the Managing Director and the Head of Investment Management at Goldman Sachs Asia.

Dr. Tang recognised the importance of nurturing the next generation and picked up his current role as an Adjunct Professor at HKU Business School.  During the sharing, Dr. Tang talked about his experience of working in the asset management industry. He highlighted the significance of ESG concepts in the modern financial industry and presented some fundamentals of asset management. Dr. Tang also shared various tips of self-development and what employers are looking for when hiring graduates.

Dr. Jacky Tang of Goldman Sachs Asia


Meeting the Head of ESG at Polymer Capital Management

On 15 April 2024, we had Mr. Anthony Cheung as our guest, who is the Head of ESG at Polymer Capital Management.

(Left) Mr. Anthony Cheung of Polymer Capital Management

Mr. Cheung shared his insights on ESG investment from the corporate and investor perspectives, explaining how decisions are made as an investment manager. During the sharing, he introduced various investment concepts and office tools with an onsite consulting session. Through the practical interaction, the participants gained precious experience in interpreting actual market data, and also learnt the importance of integrating ESG into portfolio decisions and how investors value ESG.


Students have learnt a lot from the senior executives in the finance industry. Stay tuned for the next Meeting the Practitioners Series in the next academic year.


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