BBA(IBGM) student Gauri Mahendru wins the championship in International Business Agility Labs: Accounting

BBA(IBGM) student Gauri Mahendru wins the championship in International Business Agility Labs: Accounting

Gauri Mahendru, a year 3 BBA(IBGM) student wins the championship (team award) in the “International Business Agility Labs: Accounting”, a virtual global case competition organised by the Center for Global Business of the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland during November 6 – 13, 2020. She and her team members from other universities worked together to solve a real-world business problem for a Singaporean company.

The multicultural team embraced the differences in others because of the diverse skills and perspective that each team member can bring to the table. “By working with people from different parts of the world, I witnessed the advantages of diversity of thought firsthand. I also learnt to effectively communicate and collaborate with people from different backgrounds. I am extremely grateful to HKU Business School for offering me this exciting opportunity and look forward to more of such experiences in the future,” says Gauri.

The champion team consisted of five members — Gauri Mahendru (HKU), Hiu Lam Liu (HKUST), Allison Lu (UMD), Dajah Chambers (Bowie State), and Brianna Hooks (Bowie State).

Learn more about the competition at

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