Celebrating One-Year Anniversary of HKU Business School’s Representative Office in Vietnam

HKU’s representative office opened its doors in Vietnam on July 27, 2022, focusing on three pillars: Education, Research, and Impact. This milestone marks a significant step in promoting educational and cultural exchange between Vietnam, Hong Kong and beyond.

Celebrating One-Year Anniversary of HKU Business School's Representative Office in VietnamGrand Opening ceremony of HKU in Hochiminh City, July 2022

Under the theme “Connecting Vietnam“, HKU in Vietnam (HKU VN) is committed to enhancing relationships between Vietnam, Hong Kong, Asia, and the global community. Over the past year, the office has been dedicated to improving the quality of education, creating education opportunities for local talents, and laying a strong foundation for economic and social growth.

The University of Hong Kong’s Representative Office in Vietnam is celebrating its one-year anniversary.  We have given HKD 2,102,000 in scholarships to 5 talented Vietnamese students to study Master’s in business at HKU, the top business school in Asia.  We have brought nine seminars by top talents worldwide to discuss AI, Data, Finance, and other latest business topics in Asia-Paficic.

As Chief Representative, I am honoured and pleased to lead the efforts of our team in making an impact on Vietnam and connecting her to the region and the rest of the world.

Celebrating One-Year Anniversary of HKU Business School's Representative Office in VietnamHKU VN Representatives welcomed the first batch of Vietnamese recipients of the HKUBS Optimas Capital Scholarship 2023

HKU VN focuses on three core pillars: Education, Research, and Impact. Regarding education and training, the office aims to provide a “glocal” educational approach, combining global vision with local relevance. One of the notable initiatives undertaken is the annual HKUBS-Optimas Capital Scholarship programme, launched in collaboration between HKU Business School (HKUBS) and Optimas Capital. This annual scholarship offers up to full tuition fees and living expenses in Hong Kong, with a total value of over VND 9.1 billion.

Celebrating One-Year Anniversary of HKU Business School's Representative Office in VietnamMOU Signing Ceremony of the annual HKUBS Optimas Capital Scholarship

The office organised nine industry and research workshops in the past year with more than 450 participants, delving into current technology trends, encompassing research, information systems, business methodologies, and financial practices. These workshops were tailored for university lecturers, educational institutions, and businesses, with the aim of fostering knowledge exchange and industry collaboration. Furthermore, HKU VN engaged with the community through a series of counselling programs, guiding parents and students on HKUBS Master’s and MBA programmes and available scholarship opportunities.

Celebrating One-Year Anniversary of HKU Business School's Representative Office in VietnamWith the participants of the HSBC Business Case Competition 2023 during the analysis and presentation training session at HKU VN office

HKU VN also participated in significant events, including the Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Digital Transformation Week in Ho Chi Minh City, and organised Immersion Trips to promote startup ventures, investment opportunities, and business connections.

Celebrating One-Year Anniversary of HKU Business School's Representative Office in VietnamHKUBS current TPG students and alumni participated in the Vietnam Immersion Trip in June 2023

As HKU’s presence in Vietnam enters its second year, the Representative Office is committed to improving the academic landscape and nurturing Vietnam’s bright minds. Plans are underway to participate in workshops and conferences focusing on AI applications in finance and conduct research on business and finance in Q4/2023.

Looking ahead, HKUVN is honoured to host the Asia-Pacific Information Systems Conference from July 3-5, 2024, in Ho Chi Minh City, where industry experts, academics, and professionals will converge to share insights and foster collaborations.

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