Dr. Bonnie Hayden Cheng Receives Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2021

Dr. Bonnie Hayden Cheng Receives Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2021

Congratulations to Dr. Bonnie Hayden Cheng, Associate Professor of Management and Strategy, on winning the Faculty Knowledge Exchange (KE) Award 2021 in recognition of her commitment to transforming corporate wellness into business strategy during COVID-19.

Due to the global pandemic arising in 2020, companies were suddenly faced with a crisis surrounding the mental health of their workforce: How do companies prioritize workplace wellness to support their key assets?

To address these challenges surrounding mental health and workplace wellness, Dr. Cheng designed a series of KE activities to enhance corporate wellness in companies during the pandemic, “Corporate Wellness 2.0: Enhancing Workplace Wellness during COVID-19“. These KE activities achieved significant impact in the following areas:

– Promoting corporate wellness by designing and assessing mental health and wellness initiatives

– Providing organisations with customised programmes to promote mental health and wellness, build resilience, and harness work anxiety to enhance productivity

– Championing workplace wellness during COVID-19 at the corporate (top-down) and employee (bottom-up) levels

– Advancing awareness and understanding of mental health at all levels of the corporate hierarchy, normalising conversations on mental health at work and reducing stigma

Introduced in 2011, the Faculty KE Award was established to recognise Faculty’s outstanding KE accomplishments that have made demonstrable economic, social, or cultural impacts to benefit the community, business/industry, or partner organisations.

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