FBE PhD Recruitment Camp 2019

FBE PhD Recruitment Camp 2019

FBE PhD Recruitment Camp 2019FBE PhD Recruitment Camp 2019FBE PhD Recruitment Camp 2019FBE PhD Recruitment Camp 2019FBE PhD Recruitment Camp 2019FBE PhD Recruitment Camp 2019


The Faculty of Business and Economics has successfully organised its first PhD Recruitment Camp from 30 April to 2 May 2019. We are delighted that 51 high-calibre participants with diverse academic background coming from China, USA, Australia and Singapore, have joined the event to learn more about our PhD programme.

To kick off the event, Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of Faculty of Business and Economics, gave his welcome speech to the prospective students at the opening ceremony. Participants then took part in the three-day programme filled with a series of interactive activities including welcome dinner, thematic talks, campus tour, sample lectures, workshops, student and alumni sharing and individual assessment. Through these engaging and informative sessions, participants have experienced our vibrant research community and explored their passion in pursuing a PhD programme in our Faculty.

We would also like to express our gratitude to our faculty members and PhD students, for their support and hard work to make the camp a successful event.


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