FBE students win Merit Team Award in 2019 Deloitte Tax Championship

A team of four FBE students won the Merit Award in the 2019 Deloitte Tax Championship. The team entered the National Contest themed Leading to success: be bold, be creative held in Chengdu from 25th to 27th October 2019. Participating students in the competition were from top universities in Greater China to exchange knowledge and insights on tax and business, particularly in international tax and outbound M&A activities this year.

Deloitte Tax Championship is an international competition promoting education, research and innovation in taxation by supporting an array of national and local programmes across Greater China. It also act as a platform for university students to apply their tax knowledge and receive professional tax training.

Thanks to Dr. Christina Ng, Principal Lecturer in Accounting and Law, for being the advisor of the team, and congratulations to all the team members.

Sharing from the Awarded Students (TBC):
KAT Shun Shun, BBA(Acc&Fin)
MA Wanqiu, BBA(Acc&Fin)
GU Yidie, BBA(Acc&Fin)
LAU Hiu Yung, BBA(Law)&LLB

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