FBE team wins the championship in PwC Career Plus Challenge

FBE team wins the championship in PwC Career Plus Challenge

The team, Mind Benders, of four FBE students won the championship in the PwC Career Plus Challenge. Under the theme “Ideal Employer”, teams of undergraduate students worked on the case “How to make the ideal workplace come into reality through an innovative and systematic way?”. The competition was divided into two rounds. In the preliminary round, teams were required to submit a 15-slide analysis report. Over 450 applications were received from Hong Kong, China and some other Asian countries. 15 top teams were selected to advance to the final round.

Team members of Mind Benders:

Mr. KALA Divyansh, BEcon&Fin, Year 2
Mr. SONG Yongmin, BEcon&Fin, Year 4
Ms. SOOD Preksha, BEcon&Fin, Year 2
Mr. TAN Zhang Zhe, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2

Students Sharing:

KALA Divyansh, BEcon&Fin, Year 2

The journey of the team “Mind Benders” in PwC’s Career Plus Challenge was great and fulfilling. Being the leader of this team of talented individuals helped me to grow a lot. The Challenge provided us with a great platform to build and showcase our knowledge. It also gave us insights on how the work culture would transform and how GenZ would be the epicenter of change. Special thanks to PwC and our mentor, Ms. Berreta, who provided full support to our team throughout the Challenge.

SOOD Preksha, BEcon&Fin, Year 2

PwC’s Career Plus Challenge provided us with the opportunity to understand the key differences between GenZ and other generations and the way that GenZ would change the future workplace environment. It also enabled me and my teammates to expand our knowledge and to grow as researchers, presenters and leaders. It was definitely a beyond exciting journey and an extremely enriching experience.


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