Graduation Appreciation Drinks – 2023 Pilot Apprenticeship Programme For Private Wealth Management

Co-organised by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Private Wealth Management Association (PWMA), the Pilot Apprenticeship Programme For Private Wealth Management Programmehas provided training and hands-on experience at a participating PWMA member firm to undergraduate university students in Hong Kong interested in a potential career in private wealth management. Since 2017, over 100 HKU Business School students have participated in different summer apprenticeship opportunities at renowned private wealth management firms, including but not limited to Citibank, EFG Bank, Goldman Sachs and Standard Chartered Bank.

To celebrate the achievements of the sixth batch of programme graduates, a Graduation Appreciation Drinks was hosted by the PWMA on 4 August 2023 at the Hong Kong Bankers Club.


Dr. Winnie Leung, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate) has attended the appreciation drink on behalf of HKU Business School and met with our HKU Business School alumni and current students to learn more about their past experience from the Programme.

Below are the abstract of sharing by 2 interns from HKU Business School about their rewarding chapters from the Pilot Apprenticeship Programme For Private Wealth Management.    

Chow Ming Ka, Sunshine | BFin(AMPB)

Employer: Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. (2022 intake)

“The front-to-end experience during the internship provided me with a greater grasp of the organizational structure and operations of a private bank. I got a lot of opportunities to connect with seniors, even colleagues located in other countries. I really enjoy the culture of the bank where everyone is approachable and willing to spare time out of their schedules to share their experience in the private banking industry with me.”

Dr. Winnie Leung, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate) (Second left) and Gordon Wong, Class of 2022 (Middle)

Wong Ho Shing, Gordon | Class of 2022, BBA(Law)&LLB

Employer: Deutsche Bank (2 consecutive summer in 2020 and 2021)

“Returned to Deutsche Bank as an Investment Advisor, I am glad to have interned at Deutsche Bank through PWMA Apprenticeship Programme. The consecutive summer internships really helped me gain a deep-dive understanding about the wealth management industry in Hong Kong and its prosperous growth, but also enabled me to enhance my knowledge on various investment products across asset class like equity, bonds, funds, structured products and discretionary portfolio. Working with different Relationship Managers, Investment Advisors, Product Specialists, as well as other supporting staffs from front office and middle office, I have better realized the features and challenges of their roles. This further reinforced my passion in the markets and aroused my interest in starting my private banking career as an Investment Advisor.”

Moving forward, HKU Business School will continue collaboration with Private Wealth Management Association (PWMA) to nurture more young talent for the Private Wealth Management Industry.

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