

Teams of HKU Business School won the 1st runner up and the merit award in HKICPA Business Case Competition 2020. This year, the competition received more than 919 teams’ participation from various institutions in Hong Kong, Greater China and Macau regions. Participating teams were required to submit written proposals on a case study in catering industry for screening. After several rounds of evaluation, six finalist teams were selected for competing in the Final Oral Presentation Day which was held online on November 28, 2020.

The HKICPA Business Case Competition is an inter-tertiary event aims at developing students business skills, cultivating their professional judgment and preparing themselves for the business environment.

Learn more: https://www.hkicpa.org.hk/bcc2020


1st Runner-up

Team members:

Miss Yang Kangnaixin, BEcon&Fin, Year 2

Mr. Shi Jilong, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2

Mr. Tian Hanbo, BSc(QFin), Year 2

Miss Wu Jiaopeng, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Olivia Leung


In the first round, as we were required to draft a 15-page business proposal for a catering company, we spent two weeks brainstorming and polishing our written proposal. During the process, we all spent quite a long time coming up with new ideas and assessing each planned strategy’s feasibility. Since we were from different programmes and majors, we also learnt a lot from each other such as managerial accounting, financial derivatives, marketing, valuation and so on, which also made our proposal more multi-faceted and professional.

The final round was quite different from the first round as it required a high level of presentation skills. We needed to put our content into very concise sentences and pay attention to our presence and oral expressions. The Q&A part was also very crucial because it required us to consider our proposed strategies thoroughly and comprehensively enough. Thanked to the support and guidance from Dr. Olivia Leung, we learnt how to give an attractive story-telling presentation with delicate coherences and links between each part, as well as a presentation full of team collaborations.

Though the competition was switched to online mode, we still had an enjoyable teamwork and competition experience. HKICPA Business Case Competition enabled us to learn new knowledge and explore different fields in business. It also facilitated our teamwork ability. We were glad to have participated in the competition!


Merit Team

Team members:

Mr. Ng Ka Hei, BBA(IBGM), Year 1

Mr. Huang Jiayue, BBA(IBGM), Year 1

Miss Tan Xinyue, BBA(IBGM) , Year 1

Miss Wong Fai Yu, BEcon&Fin, Year 1

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jasmine Kwong

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