

Group photo

From left to right: Mr. Raymond Cheng, President of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Zang Ke Ke, Coco; Chan Hoi Ching, Ella; Leung Ka Wing, Karry; Chan Yuet, Mikayla; Dr. Winnie S.C. Leung, Assistant Dean (Undergraduate)

The HKU Business School team won the 1st runner-up in HKICPA Business Case Competition 2021. This year, the competition received a total of 657 team entries from various institutions in Hong Kong, Greater China and Macau regions.

The HKICPA Business Case Competition is an inter-tertiary event that aims at developing students’ business skills, cultivating their professional judgment and preparing themselves for the business environment. Participating teams were required to submit written proposals on a case study in the fashion industry for screening. After several rounds of evaluation, six finalist teams were selected for competing in the Final Oral Presentation Day on November 20, 2021.

Team members:

Chan Hoi Ching, Ella (team leader) – BBA

Chan Yuet, Mikayla – BBA (Acc&Fin)

Leung Ka Wing, Kary – BBA

Zang Ke Ke, Coco – BEcon&Fin

Faculty advisor: Dr. Jasmine KWONG

Student’s Sharing:

We were new to case competition, and we were new to each other.

Things began when I saw the case competition poster distributed at the end of the orientation camp and asked, ‘Is anyone interested in joining it with me?’ Frankly, I was just randomly asking and did not expect that I could form a team. I asked this question so many times, but it never happened to go the way I wished – forming a team is difficult! This time, I ‘successfully’ formed a team of four. Having the opportunity to join the competition made me feel excited, while at the same time, worried. I had only known my teammates for 2 days, and there were a lot of uncertainties. I had no idea if they were truly willing to take up the responsibility, were we capable or simply whether we could coordinate well. Fortunately, even though our schedules were packed with deadlines, tests, and more in these three months, none of us treated the competition as posteriority. We not only got our parts done but also initiatively helped each other.

We never imagine we can go so far since we were selected among 657 teams to be one of the six finalist teams in the undergraduate category and, finally, getting the 1st Runner-up. We are not the only people who contribute to our success. We appreciate this opportunity offered by HKICPA as we have learned a lot throughout the competition and from the adjudicators’ comments. My professor also advised on our presentation deck, and HKU Business School reached out to us to see if we needed a coach. We are lucky to have all these support and resources.

Participating in a case competition is a great opportunity to learn, from technical skills like proposal writing and presentation skills to soft skills, namely communication skills, teamwork, agility and stress management skills. We are looking forward to joining other case competitions together in the near future, and we recommend you to take the initiative to grow and improve.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my teammates. From the worries to now, we have experienced a lot, and I am grateful and proud to say, ‘We are the dream team!’

by Chan Hoi Ching, Ella (team leader)


Learn more about the competition



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