HKU Team placed the First Runner-up in Polymer Intervarsity ESG Case Challenge 2023

The HKU team “Lighthouse Capital” won first runner-up in the Polymer Capital Management Intervarsity ESG Case Challenge 2023. Team members are Adrian Chung (BSc(QFin) – Year 3), Huey Lee (BBA(IBGM) – Year 3) and Kelvin Cheung (BEcon&Fin – Year 3).

The Case Challenge attracted over 80 team applications from universities in Hong Kong and Singapore. Over 20 HKU teams registered and 6 of which were shortlisted for the HKU Round 1 competition which was held in August. Each team was assigned an industry mentor to provide guidance to the team to navigate the process. “Lighthouse Capital” was the Champion Team and represented HKU in the Final Round of the Case Challenge.


Participants – Adrian, Huey and Kelvin (third, fourth and fifth from left), together with Professor Anna Wong (second from right), Programme Director of Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking, Mr Anthony Cheung (first from right) from Polymer and the panel judges


The Final Round of the Polymer Intervarsity ESG Case Challenge was held online on 22nd September with five teams, each representing Nanyang Technological University Singapore, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, National University of Singapore, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and The University of Hong Kong.

The HKU Team “Lighthouse Capital” presented a long/short fund that focuses on the energy and healthcare sectors in the Asia Pacific Region. The team came second to the National University of Singapore.


Adrian, Huey and Kelvin presenting the long/short fund in final round


A big Congrats to the HKU Team – Adrian, Huey and Kelvin.

We would like to express our gratitude to Polymer for organizing the event and the judges who gave valuable feedback to the teams. We would also like to give our vote of thanks to Professor Anna Wong and our mentors who have given tremendous support to the teams during the journey.

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