Masters programmes have a blast at Alumni Spring Dinner party

Masters programmes have a blast at Alumni Spring Dinner party

Held on 20 February at The Chinese Banks’ Association in Central, the FBE Masters Programmes Alumni Spring Dinner 2019 was a rousing success. Over 100 alumni from MEcon, MFin, and MScBA programmes and faculty members gathered together to celebrate the Chinese New Year, and to express gratitude to industry leaders who have served as mentors during the past year.

The event opened with a warm welcome from Professor Haipeng SHEN, Associate Dean (Executive Education) and Founding Director of the MScBA programme. Professor Shen shared with alumni the recent development of the Faculty, and invited alumni to render support to building a stronger alumni community.

Dr. Rujing MENG, Director of the MFin programme, applauded the dedication of mentors who have supported the MEcon & MFin Mentorship Programme and spent precious time and effort to nurture younger generation of business talents.

The dinner was generously sponsored by Fargo Wealth. Mr. Jefferson SUN and Ms. Cece HE, who represented Fargo Wealth and alumni of the MFin programme, have also joined the event. The evening was filled with festive joy and inspiring chatters.


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