Mr. David Lee Received HKU Early Career Teaching Award 2018

David Lee Received Early Career Teaching Award

Caption: Mr. David Lee (2nd from the left) received HKU Early Career Teaching Award.


The HKU Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony was held last Friday. Mr. David Lee, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty received Early Career Teaching Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions and commitment at early stage of his teaching career.


David adopts an interactive approach and complements his teaching with practical case studies in real life. He is a popular faculty member and is always a student’s favourite. David commented that teaching is a meaningful role, which gives him much satisfaction. He further elaborated that his teaching is framed by five principles, namely Transformational Learning, Active Learning Environment, Linking to the Real World, Student Advising and Focus on the Future.


The HKU Excellence Awards are a salute to the exceptional and inspirational accomplishments of our colleagues and a celebration of the diverse range of disciplines and specialisations at the University. Professor Xiang ZHANG, President and Vice-Chancellor, presided at the ceremony and Dr the Honourable Sir David LI Kwok Po, Pro-Chancellor, was the Guest of Honour.

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