Professor Dragon Yongjun Tang Awarded the Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2024

Congratulations to Professor Dragon Yongjun Tang on being awarded the Faculty Knowledge Exchange Award 2024!

Prof. Tang’s research has made profoundly tangible impacts across multiple domains. Through his study on the effects of mandatory ESG disclosure regulations globally, Prof. Tang directly informed rules adopted in major jurisdictions like the European Union. This was achieved by providing robust empirical evidence supporting transparency measures. Similarly, his ground-breaking work evaluating green bonds advanced understanding and validated this emerging segment, with over 900 citations and direct influence on sustainable investment frameworks worldwide.

On the domestic front, Prof. Tang played an instrumental advisory role in shaping Hong Kong’s green finance development through capacity building programs and internships established based on his research recommendations. These schemes are successfully nurturing local ESG talent. Beyond regulation and markets, Prof. Tang extended knowledge exchange to practitioners influencing sustainable business practices internationally. He has also advised influential organizations such as the Asian Development Bank, helping craft policy responses with global outreach.

Further, recognition from awards elevates the impact of Prof. Tang’s research for the industry. Most notably, the concrete, tangible impacts demonstrated establish Prof. Tang as a pioneering scholar whose work drives real policy change on a world-leading scale.

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