Result announcement: A Tagline for HKU FBE!

2021 marks the 20th Anniversary of the Faculty of Business and Economics. The Faculty has planned for a new branding campaign and invited our faculty members, students, staff and alumni to co-create a tagline that aligns with our vision and mission, and conveys powerful message to the community.

We are thrilled to receive over 120 entries from the FBE community. Five outstanding ideas as follows are shortlisted based on the relevance to the Faculty, creativity and catchiness of their tagline ideas:

Contributors*Connection with FBETagline Ideas
CHU Weng LamAlumnus (Class of 2019)Forward, Beyond Expectations.
ISHAR MohitAlumnus (Class of 2010)Enlighten minds | Brighten Tomorrow
LIU LiangAlumnus (Class of 2014)Bridge the world, build the future.
SUEN Wing LamCurrent studentInspire Thinking, Aspire Leading.
TIPNIS SachinCurrent staffEmpower · Inspire · Lead

*Listing in alphabetical order of surname

Congratulations to all the selected contributors and you will receive individual notification email accordingly.

Thank you everyone for your participation in this campaign. We are now finalising the tagline, based on the five selected ideas, to best reflect the uniqueness and highlight the essence of the Faculty.

Please stay tuned to our upcoming events and we count on your support to make the 20th Anniversary Celebration a remarkable one.

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