Students from Zhejiang University gain a deeper understanding of Hong Kong in HKU-ZJU Summer Programme

The HKU-ZJU Summer Programme, co-organised by The Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE), HKU and School of Management, Zhejiang University (ZJU), has been completed successfully in Hong Kong.

Aiming to gain a deeper understanding of Hong Kong’s cultural, economic, innovative and entrepreneurship development, 34 students from ZJU participated in the Summer Programme held from 14 to 20 July.

In this one-week programme, the group took lectures delivered by our FBE academics, including Mr. Joseph Chan, Senior Lecturer on topics related to Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Christine Chan, Associate Dean (Outreach and Global Engagement) on Global Management, and Dr. Yinuo Tang, Assistant Professor, on the Foundation of Strategic Management. In addition to joining the lectures, the students visited the local innovation hubs including Hong Kong Science and Technology Park and The Mills, in order to understand the supports to local startups from the government and different organisations.

Students discuss different ways to improve daily traffic.

Students suggest different strategies to help develop an international brand.

A representative from ORII, one of the incubatees of The Mills, explains the development and application of their voice-powered ring to the students.

The guide of HKSTP explains to the students the collection and application of big data in Hong Kong.

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