The Faculty exchanges dialogue with India’s Ambassador to China to explore collaboration opportunities

The Faculty exchanges dialogue with India’s Ambassador to China to explore collaboration opportunities

Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Faculty of Business and Economics welcomed India’s Ambassador to China Mr. Vikram Misri and Consul-General of India to Hong Kong Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan in their visit to HKU on 6 July.

Both parties exchanged views on India’s technological advancement and explored partnership opportunities between Indian universities and HKU Faculty of Business and Economics, on areas such as student academic exchange, research collaboration and corporate partnership.

Mr. Vikram Misri, Mrs. Priyanka Chauhan and Professor Cai then attended the Hack For India, an HKU hackathon event and listened to the pitches by student teams. Organised by IndiaTech Hong Kong, and supported by Consulate General of India, Hong Kong and HKU iDendron, this hackathon aimed to discover innovative business ideas and solutions among students, and allow the students to showcase their skills to top tech companies.

Dean Cai and Mr. Misri exchanged ideas on potential collaboration between Indian universities and HKU FBE.

The hackathon aimed to discover innovative business ideas and solutions among students, and allow the students to showcase their skills to top tech companies.

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