Dr. Shiyang Huang receives Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award 2020-21

Dr. Shiyang Huang, Assistant Professor in Finance, is the recipient of the Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award 2020-21.

Dr. Huang’s research agenda focuses on financial economics and empirical asset pricing. He has published research papers in several academic journals including Journal of Financial Economics, Management Science and Journal of Economic Theory. He also won the best paper awards at academic conferences, including Best Paper Award at 7th Melbourne Asset Pricing Meeting, Conference Best Paper Award at China International Conference in Finance of 2019, Best Paper Award at 14th Annual Conference in Financial Economics Research by Eagle Labs (IDC) of 2017.

The Selection Committee acknowledges the high quality and quantity of Dr. Huang’s research publications, and his important contributions through novel research during his service with the University of Hong Kong.

The Faculty Outstanding Researcher Award was established to honour and reward faculty members for having done excellent research and achieved international recognition in the field of business and economics.

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港大经管学院“未来领袖奖学金计划”  表扬逾百名学术成绩卓越的本地学生
2024 | 学院成就
港大经管学院“未来领袖奖学金计划” 表扬逾百名学术成绩卓越的本地学生
港大经管学院一直致力培育新一代成为更全面及具前瞻性的领袖,举办了第三届“未来领袖奖学金计划”(简称“计划”)(Future Leader Scholarship Programme),表扬104名学术成绩表现卓越的本地本科生,旨在为学生提供所需资源,扩阔他们的知识领域,增强竞争力,为他们未来的事业发展奠定基础。
2024 | 学院成就
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