EMBA-Global Asia programme ranks Top 4 in the World by Financial Times

Press Release

(November 21, 2019 – Hong Kong) 

The HKU Business School’s dynamic partnership with London Business School and Columbia Business School, EMBA-Global Asia programme, is ranked No. 4 in the annual Financial Times Executive MBA ranking.  The Programme has been ranked among top four in the world for three consecutive years.


The league table ranks the top 100 Executive MBA programmes in the world.  The ranking takes into account a combination of 16 metrics and is based on an alumni survey with various measures, including salary on graduation, career progression, how the Programme has lived up to expectations, and percentage salary increase three years after graduation.


HKU Business School’s EMBA-Global Asia programme scored strongly on the metric of salary increment, with an average salary received by graduates reaching US$338,725 per annum, representing a growth of 98%.  The Programme’s appeal was also boosted by graduates’ career progress, which jumped to the 3rd place, and international course experience, which further improved to the 2nd place from the 5th in 2018.


“We are encouraged that the EMBA-Global Asia programme has continued to be recognised as among the top four programmes in the world," said Professor Hongbin Cai, HKU Dean of Business and Economics.  "Since the launch of the Programme in 2009, we have been dedicated to leverage the unique strengths of three top-notch international institutions in Hong Kong, London, and New York, and create synergies for our students.  While riding on our extensive alumni network, offering global exposure and diversified learning experiences to our students, we also introduced an alumni audit policy to enable our alumni to stay connected and competitive.  Amidst the fast-changing global market environment fuelled by technological advancements, we believe embracing life-long learning is crucial to successful career and professional development."


More information on the EMBA-Global Asia programmes. Financial Times ranking table.


According to the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance, the EMBA-Global Asia programme is an exempted course. It is a matter of discretion for individual employers to recognise any qualification to which this course may lead.

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