Executive Education kicks off a new chapter with leadership programme for mainland business leaders

Executive Education kicks off a new chapter with leadership programme for mainland business leaders

Aiming to empower business leaders from Chinese mainland by instilling innovative business ideas, impactful business strategies and global mindset, and to reinforce their competitiveness in the global arena, Executive Education of the Faculty of Business and Economics has successfully launched the ‘Business Leader Programme’.

This comprehensive programme consists of five core modules and one overseas module. Each core module focuses on different angles of global market, to equip participants with cutting-edge knowledge of macro-economics and politics, finance, management, creative thinking and frontier technology.

Dean Hongbin CAI expressed his warm welcome to the first batch of programme participants in the Opening Ceremony held on 24 April, 2019 and highlighted the importance of lifelong learning. Professor Haipeng SHEN, Associate Dean (Executive Education), commented that executive training is essential and HKU would be a great place to develop knowledge of global and China perspectives. At the Gala Dinner held in the evening, Ms. Winnie LAI, Deputy Director of China Affairs of HKU, gave her opening speech and congratulated the commencement of the Business Leader Programme.

The theme of the first module is ‘From the World to China’, emphasising the uniqueness and importance of China business in the international economic stage. Professor Zhiwu CHEN and Professor Geng XIAO from the Faculty of Business and Economics and Professor Guoqi XU from the Department of History, came to the class and shared their insights on topics of global finance, international relations, economic development of the Greater Bay Area, and history of internationalisation of China.



Dean Hongbin Cai and Associate Dean Haipeng Shen at the Opening Ceremony.


Ms. Winnie Lai, Deputy Director of China Affairs of HKU, at the Gala Dinner.


Professor Zhiwu Chen and Professor Geng Xiao in class.


Professor Guoqi Xu in class.

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