FBE Students Bag Six Prizes in ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition 2018

The annual ACCA Hong Kong Business Competition equips accounting and business students with accounting, business analysis and communication skills employers demand. 

The Competition this year was themed 'Social Intelligence – from local excellence to global vision'. Two social enterprises that have global or regional footprint are expanding their presence into Hong Kong. Contesting students were required to pick one out of the two social enterprise case studies, and develop a business proposal to optimise their business operations in Hong Kong. Finalists presented their proposals to the competition’s vetting committee, including Social Enterprise Business Centre representatives.

To help students prepare for the challenge, ACCA-qualified accounting professional acted as coaches for the Top 20 teams. A series of workshops were also provided to polish students’ business analytical, proposal writing, communication and presentation skills.

The Faculty and the students have won a total of six prizes in this competition.  With students’ enthusiastic participation, FBE has won the Top Participating Award. Two teams of FBE students also won five other awards including the 1st and 2nd Runner-up. Congratulations to them! Members of the two teams and the awards they obtained are:

1st Runner-up, Best Proposal Award, Creative Excellence Award, Best Presenter Award (Ho Chun Sum Sam*) – Team Appino 

Mr. Chan Chun Hin, BBA, Year 2 (1st from left)

Miss Chau Wing Ki, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2 (2nd from left)

Mr. Ho Chun Sum Sam*, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2 (2nd from right)

Mr. San Kwo Chin, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2 (1st from right)

1st runner up


2nd Runner-up – Team VRilliant

Mr. Chang Yoonseok, BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 4 (2nd from left)

Mr. Lee Seung Ju, BEcon&Fin, Year 4 (1st from left)

Mr. Rhee Donsung, BEcon&Fin, Year 4 (1st from right)

Mr. Yang Ji Woong, BEcon&Fin, Year 4 (2nd from right)

2nd runner up

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