Final year students had a blast at #FBEalumni pop-up event

Final year students had a blast at #FBEalumni pop-up event

Final year students had a blast at #FBEalumni pop-up eventFinal year students had a blast at #FBEalumni pop-up eventFinal year students had a blast at #FBEalumni pop-up eventFinal year students had a blast at #FBEalumni pop-up eventFinal year students had a blast at #FBEalumni pop-up eventFinal year students had a blast at #FBEalumni pop-up event

To cheer up final-year students before their last exam period at HKU and to celebrate them joining the FBE alumni family in advance, the Faculty organized a #FBEalumni pop-up event at K.K. Leung Building Concourse on April 24, 2019.

As millennials, students love to share, inspire, and express who we are on social media. So we set up a trendy Instagram photo-booth, together with eye-catching backdrops and props, especially a replica of the famous HKU East Gate, where students can strike a pose, snap a shot, and have their photos printed by the hashtag #FBEalumni via their Instagram accounts. Tasty handmade and picture-worthy cookies were exclusively distributed to those graduates-to-be. Hot and fresh popcorn was also passed to HKU community members who followed our FBE social media accounts.

This event captured the wonderful moments our final year students spent on campus. The Faculty is excited to stay connected with our new FBE alumni and support them throughout their endeavour beyond HKU.


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