HKGCC Pitch Perfect Programme 2024

HKGCC Pitch Perfect Programme 2024

The HKGCC Pitch Perfect Programme 2024 is an all-round training programme organised by Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC). This year, the programme was sponsored by six companies – Cathay Pacific Airways, Ernst & Young, MTR Corporation, The Mills Fabrica (Nan Fung Group), New World Development and NEC Hong Kong.

The programme consists of four stages, which aims to equip students with essential workplace skills through a series of training courses, company visits, and mentorship opportunities. In the semi-final and final round, students underwent hypothetical job interviews with senior executives from sponsoring companies and HKGCC leadership.

Among the 150 undergraduate students across universities in Hong Kong, students from the HKU Business School have demonstrated their exceptional interview and pitching skills, and were crowned as Winner and Overall Champion in this programme.

Find out more about the programme:

Winner and Overall Champion:
Chan Chun Yan Natalie, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3

Singh Karndeep, BEcon&Fin, Year 2

Student Sharing:

“The HKGCC Pitch Perfect Programme 2024 has been an invaluable learning experience for me on multiple levels. I have learned a tremendous amount about resilience, adaptability, and effective communication. The high-pressure pitch competition environment challenged me to think quickly, respond to tough questions, and maintain composure under stress. I am enormously grateful to have been a part of this experience, and I know the skills and connections I have gained will continue to serve me well in my career.”
(by Miss Chan Chun Yan Natalie)

“Having mentors like Mr. Victor Lam, JP, who brought the perspective of a business owner, and Mr. Kevin So, Arcadis, who brought the perspective of a corporate, they both provided me a lot of guidance and answered all of our questions about presenting oneself at an interview. My public speaking skills have definitely improved, and I have been given various tips on how to best present myself in a job interview setting.”
(by Mr. Singh Karndeep)

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港大经管学院“未来领袖奖学金计划” 表扬逾百名学术成绩卓越的本地学生
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