HKU Business School and Wynn Resorts (Macau) S.A. Sign an MoU to Cultivate Leaders and Boost Professional Service Capabilities in Tourism Industry

HKU Business School and Wynn Resorts (Macau) S.A. signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on nurturing industry leaders and elevating academic research in support of the tourism industry. The partnership marks an important milestone in strengthening collaboration between the academic and business sectors in the modern service industry. The MoU was jointly signed by Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School, and Ms. Linda Chen, President, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of Wynn Macau, Limited.

HKU Business School will work closely with Wynn Resorts (Macau) S.A., a leading integrated resort in Macau to offer learning opportunities and Executive Education programmes, to equip industry practitioners with the latest leadership and service management knowledge. By enhancing individuals’ professional service capabilities, the collaboration aims to bring the quality of services in the industry to new heights. The partnership will also establish an academic cooperation framework, to support cutting-edge research projects and promote efficient information exchange for academic studies. Additionally, various forms of collaboration opportunities will be explored to accelerate industry growth.

Both parties were excited to embark on this journey of collaboration, and look forward to creating more opportunities for researchers and industry professionals to work together and share knowledge, supporting the development of the tourism industry in the region.

Caption: The MoU between HKU Business School and Wynn is signed by Ms. Linda Chen, President, Vice Chairman and Executive Director of Wynn Macau, Limited (left), and Professor Hongbin Cai, Dean of HKU Business School (right).

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2024 | 学院成就
港大经管学院“未来领袖奖学金计划” 表扬逾百名学术成绩卓越的本地学生
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2024 | 学院成就
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