HKU Business School Launches Inaugural Overseas Alumni Network in Singapore

On October 1, HKU Business School celebrated a significant milestone with the successful establishment of its first-ever school-wide overseas alumni network in Singapore. The event saw an impressive turnout, bringing together over 50 alumni from Singapore and more than 20 alumni from the HKU-Fudan IMBA program in Shanghai, fostering international ties and reinforcing the global community spirit.

In her Welcome Remarks, Alice Hui (Head of Development & Alumni) shared the school’s latest exciting achievements in growing its global alumni networks, while also promoting two of the School’s newest dynamic programmes, which are the EMBA International Stream and the Master of Climate Governance and Risk Management.

The gathering featured insightful keynote speeches from distinguished speakers, including HKU Business School’s Associate Dean of External Relations, Professor Heiwai Tang, and Professor Paul Cheung from the National University of Singapore’s Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy. Their addresses provided a captivating and enlightening analysis of the global economy’s influence on Hong Kong and Singapore.

A special congratulations to Chris Leo, who was appointed as the inaugural President of the HKUBS Singapore Alumni Network, alongside Executive Committee members, Nishant Kumar, Vibhav Varshney, Mona Lai, Rajbir Talwar, and Carole Yang. We have full trust in their stewardship to ensure the success of this new alumni network in Singapore.

This landmark event signals a new chapter for the HKU Business School alumni community, promoting closer connections and collaboration on an international scale.

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2025 | 学院新闻
“2025香港经济前景展望”论坛 共同探讨香港经济的发展策略
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