IMBA 2.0 Enrichment Talk on cross-cultural business strategy

IMBA 2.0 Enrichment Talk on cross-cultural business strategy

The ‘IMBA 2.0 Enrichment Talk: Cross-cultural Business Strategy’ was held successfully on 13 April, 2019, where Mr. Baniel CHEUNG, Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics, and Mr. Eudes FABRE, CEO North Asia of Lagardère Travel Retail, who is also our alumnus of the EMBA Global Asia programme, shared their insights on cross-cultural marketing strategies, and the impact of culture on entrepreneurship.

Presenting the theoretical framework and cases of cross-cultural people management, Mr. Baniel Cheung emphasised the importance of ‘effective team mix’ and how it affects the entire communications and marketing strategies of an organisation. Mr. Eudes Fabre gave a talk on ‘Creating competitive cross-cultural business and marketing strategies’, and shared how he managed to bring the foreign brand Lagardère to the Chinese market. Mr. Fabre mentioned the biggest challenge to operate a company in a foreign market was to keep the unique cultures of the brand while develop a different business model to meet the local needs.

The enrichment talk ended with a Q&A session, where participants and the speakers had engaging exchanges.


Mr. Baniel Cheung and Mr. Eudes Fabre shared their market insights with the audience.



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