
The Lazaridis International Case Conference (LazICC) 2023 was organised and hosted entirely by the Lazaridis School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University.

LazICC, is an annual business-technology themed case conference attracted teams from respected schools around the globe. LazICC aims to provide students with opportunities to learn from industry experts, compete with top international business schools, and network with professionals from innovative organizations. Teams will have the chance to gain a deeper understanding of how new technology influences businesses, showcase their business acumen and teamwork in case competitions, and participate in various networking events.

The competition consisted of a 5-hour and 24-hour case competition against some of the best schools in the world.


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2nd Place


Ms. Li Sing Yee, BBA(IS), Year 4
Mr. Chan Wan Chit, BEcon&Fin, Year 3
Mr. Tsang Chun Wai, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 5
Ms. Chan Chun Yan Natalie, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3

Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Winnie Leung

Case Competition Coach:
Ms. Pinto Rasika Tasdyata (Pipin)

Students Sharing:

“I am immensely thankful for another opportunity to represent HKU Business School in an international case competition. I must also express my gratitude to Dr. Winnie Leung and Pipin for their insightful feedback throughout the competition journey.

We had to solve a 5-hour and a 24-hour case, necessitating different approaches in terms of problem-solving, research and time allocation. Under the immense time constraint, we cooperated well and utilised our respective strengths.  Both cases concerned the application of technologies in the financial services industry, with the 24-hour case also involving ESG. Hence, we needed to examine future trends to formulate innovative solutions, which was challenging but rewarding.

The competition also offered learning opportunities like Tech Talks, as well as various social events during which we bonded with bright competitors from all over the world.”

(By TSANG Chun Wai Donald)

“Representing HKU Business School along with my 3 extremely bright teammates in LazICC 2023 was definitely one of the best times as a HKU student. Regardless of winning or losing, participating in LazICC was truly rewarding in terms of learning experience and friendship. I couldn’t have done it without our coach’s and advisor’s feedback and my teammates’ trust in my abilities. Best of all, I have developed lifelong friendships, and not for a single second do I regret participating in LazICC 2023.

Things I learned through preparing for and participating in LazICC 2023 include: financial modeling (which is important to show the feasibility of recommended strategies); thinking about strategies on a deeper level, e.g., unit economics, implementation, impact (as opposed to only on a high level).”

(By CHAN Wan Chit Vinci)

“Participating in the LazICC 2023 and securing 2nd place was a transformative experience that left an indelible mark on my personal and professional growth. Throughout the competition, I had the privilege of working closely with a dedicated team. The complex business cases enabled our team to sharpen our analytical skills, while reinforcing the significance of time management and communication abilities.

The international aspect of the competition provided us with the unique opportunity to network with individuals from around the world. I am immensely thankful for our coach and faculty members who supported us along the way. I look forward to applying the valuable lessons learned to future endeavors, where innovative problem-solving and effective collaboration remain at the forefront of my approach to challenges in life.”

(By CHAN Chun Yan Natalie)

“It is my honour to represent HKU Business School to join LazICC 2023. I would like to thank our coach, Pipin and my best teammates, Donald, Natalie and Vinci. Without them, it would be impossible to win the 2nd place. I am glad that HKU Business School gives me this chance to exchange ideas with other teams around the world and build friendships during various social events. The most unforgettable one is definitely the 24-hour case, in which we try to give creative and feasible solutions on sustainability. We tried very hard on research and financials to ensure we can impress the judges during the presentation. After this amazing experience, I will definitely do this again if I have a chance. The learning from all other competitors, the friendship built along and the social events I participated with people from different backgrounds are something I will remember forever.”

(By LI Sing Yee Agnes)

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