

Throughout this academic year, students who are majoring in Asset Management and Private Banking had the opportunity to participate in the monthly e-roundtable series meeting Senior Executives in Asset Management and Private Banking industry virtually, including Dr. King Au, Adjunct Professor at HKU Business School and Executive Director of Financial Services Development Council (FSDC), Mr. Ronald Chan, Founder and CIO of Chartwell Capital, Ms. Janet Li, Leader of Mercer Investment Advisory Asia, Mr. Ivan Wong, Managing Director and Co-head of North Asia, HSBC Private Banking, Ms. Ronie Mak, Managing Director of RS Group, and Ms. Amy Yip, member of Board of Directors of Deutsche Borse Group (the German Stock Exchange), EFG Bank, AIA Group and Prudential. This series was arranged by Prof. Anna Wong, Programme Director of Bachelor of Finance in Asset Management and Private Banking. 

In each e-roundtable, over 50 students joined, and one of them had been selected as the student moderator for the session. Students were well prepared, raised good questions and had conversations with the guest speakers on topics including the current challenges for HK in the finance market, what is value investing, the role of institutional portfolio advising, the current challenges for private banking, the growth of family offices and the importance of sustainable financing. Guest speakers also shared their career journey and tips on developing the talents most wanted by the industry. The whole series was well received, and our students have plenty of takeaways from each guest speaker.

Roundtable sharing from the elites of asset management and private banking

(From left) Mr. Ivan Wong of HSBC Private Banking; Mr. Tony Au of HKU Business School


Roundtable sharing from the elites of asset management and private banking

Mr. Ronald Chan of Chartwell Capital

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港大经管学院“未来领袖奖学金计划”  表扬逾百名学术成绩卓越的本地学生
2024 | 学院成就
港大经管学院“未来领袖奖学金计划” 表扬逾百名学术成绩卓越的本地学生
港大经管学院一直致力培育新一代成为更全面及具前瞻性的领袖,举办了第三届“未来领袖奖学金计划”(简称“计划”)(Future Leader Scholarship Programme),表扬104名学术成绩表现卓越的本地本科生,旨在为学生提供所需资源,扩阔他们的知识领域,增强竞争力,为他们未来的事业发展奠定基础。
2024 | 学院成就
国家自然科学基金是中国支持基础研究的 “主渠道” ,其获准项目情况是衡量高校学术水平和科研实力的重要标志之一。港大经管学院今年取得亮眼成绩,4位杰出学者的研究项目获国家自然科学基金拨款资助, 其中包括 “国家杰出青年科学基金” 、 “优秀青年科学基金” 和 “青年科学基金” 的项目资助。这无疑是对学院在基础研究领域卓越实力的有力肯定。