Warm Congratulations to the Class of 2019!

Warm Congratulations to the Class of 2019!Warm Congratulations to the Class of 2019!Warm Congratulations to the Class of 2019!Warm Congratulations to the Class of 2019!Warm Congratulations to the Class of 2019!Warm Congratulations to the Class of 2019!

The HKU 202nd Congregation – Faculty of Business and Economics Graduation Ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on November 11, 2019. Professor Norman Tien, the Vice-President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Institutional Advancement) of HKU, presided the ceremony. Joining us at this memorable occasion also included Guest of Honour and our distinguished alumnus Mr. David Lee, Dean Professor Hongbin Cai, Honorary University Fellow Ms. Irene Man, other faculty members, and about 3,000 guests.

Addressing the ceremony, our Guest of Honour Mr. Lee shared his own story about building the career in Silicon Valley, envisioning his work in startups, and sharing his dreams with people around him. He encouraged graduates to shape their own future, and to seize the opportunities in life that can help build one’s characters and resilience, and to test creativity. “Follow your passion, listen to your heart, you will find your own path and realise your dreams. The future is for you to create,” he added.

Mr. Lee is a proud alumnus of the Faculty of Business and Economics. He is Co-Founder and CEO of NEX Team Inc., a Silicon Valley-based startup, building mobile AI technologies that understand and analyse mobile video capture in real-time. Spending the last 10 years in Silicon Valley, Mr. Lee dedicated himself in building different startups. Because of his outstanding achievements, Mr. Lee was named as Business Week’s Asia’s Best Entrepreneurs under 25 in 2006.

This year, a total of 1,503 academic awards were conferred to the Faculty of Business and Economics graduates, including Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees and Doctor’s degrees. The conferment of degree awards was followed by the prize presentation to faculty members in recognition of their achievements in teaching and research areas, and the vote of thanks by the Graduate Representative Mr. Kenny Lam.

In addition, an alumni booth was set up to welcome the Class of 2019 to the big alumni family and to recruit members for the newly established faculty level alumni association – HKU Business and Economics Alumni Association (HKUBEAA).

For more event snapshots, please click photo albums (1), (2) and (3).




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