Chen Lin
Prof. Chen LIN
Chair of Finance
Stelux Professor in Finance
Associate Vice-President
Associate Dean (Research and Knowledge Exchange)
Director, Centre for Financial Innovation and Development
DBA Programme Director

3917 7793

KK 1015


研究团队收集来自 61 个经济体,合共超过6700间公司的数据,评估企业特质与股票收益表现,以及新冠疫情个案之间的关联性。研究发现,尽管新冠疫情导致股票收益减少,但某些企业录得的跌幅较为轻微,而这些企业具有以下特质:在 2020 年前公司的财务状况较好(如拥有较多现金和未提取的信贷额、较少的总债务和短期债务,以及维持较高的利润水准)、全球供应链和客户地点受新冠疫情影响较小,积极推动企业社会责任的活动,以及较少地位稳固的高管人员。此外,家族企业(尤其是家族直接控股和雇佣职业经理人的家族企业)、大企业或政府控制的企业的股票回报表现较佳,而由对冲基金和其他资产管理公司大量投资的公司则表现逊色。在疫情期间,股票市场给予拥有较低管理层所有权的企业正面评价,却给予拥有较高管理层所有权的企业负面评价。

The Telegraph and Modern Banking Development, 1881-1936

The telegraph was introduced to China in the late 19th century, a time when China also saw the rise of modern banks. Based on this historical context, this paper documents the importance of information technology in banking development. We construct a data set on the distributions of telegraph stations and banks across 287 prefectures between 1881 and 1936. The results show that the telegraph significantly expanded banks’ branch networks in terms of both number and geographic scope. The effect of the telegraph remains robust when we instrument it using proximity to the early military telegraph trunk.



大公文汇传媒集团办「大湾区系列财经沙龙」 林晨:金融科技助内地中小企融资


Geographic Diversification and Banks’ Funding Costs

We assess the impact of geographic diversification on a bank’s costs of interest-bearing liabilities. We employ a new identification strategy and discover that geographic expansion across U.S. states lowered funding costs. Consistent with expansion facilitating risk diversification, we find that (1) funding costs fall more when banks expand into states whose economies are less correlated with the banks’ state and (2) geographic diversification reduces the costs of uninsured, but not insured, deposits. Consistent with expansion intensifying agency frictions, which puts upward pressures on funding costs, we discover that geographic diversification reduces the costs of interest-bearing liabilities more in better-monitored and better-run banks.

Product Price Risk and Liquidity Management: Evidence from the Electricity Industry

Product price risk is a potentially important factor for firms’ liquidity management. A natural place to evaluate the impact of this risk on liquidity management is the electricity industry, because producing firms face substantial price volatility in wholesale markets. Empirically, higher volatility of electricity prices leads to an increase in cash holdings, and this effect is robust to instrumenting for price risk using weather volatility. Cash increases more with price risk in firms using inflexible production technologies and those that cannot easily hedge electricity prices, indicating that operating flexibility and hedging are substitutes for liquidity management.

Communication within Banking Organizations and Small Business Lending

We investigate how communication within banks affects small business lending. Using travel times between a bank’s headquarters and its branches to proxy for the costs of communicating soft information, we exploit shocks to these travel times—the introduction of new airline routes—to evaluate the impact of within-bank communication costs on small business loans. We find that reducing headquarters-branch travel time boosts small business lending in the branch’s county. Several extensions suggest that new airline routes facilitate in-person communications that boost small-firm lending.



Bank Networks and Acquisitions

Does the predeal geographic overlap of the branches of two banks affect the probability that they merge, postannouncement stock returns, and postmerger performance? We compile information on U.S. bank acquisitions from 1984 through 2016, construct several measures of network overlap, and design and implement a new identification strategy. We find that greater predeal network overlap (1) increases the likelihood that two banks merge; (2) boosts the cumulative abnormal returns of the acquirer, target, and combined banks; and (3) reduces employment, boosts revenues, reduces the number of branches, improves loan quality, and expedites executive turnover.