港大经管学院经济学讲师何志培博士与香港地产资讯平台28Hse携手研发“易发楼价指数”(Eva Property Index),以反映二手楼价趋势,指数以土地注册处数据为基础及其他相关地产资料,涵盖了147个成份屋苑,并以成交量作为主要选取标准。 何博士预测2025年香港楼价将会温和反弹。他认为,香港经济将温和增长,以及利率暂时不会急升,将有利支持楼价上升。

- Ph.D., M.A., B.S., The University of Hong Kong
- M.A., City University of Hong Kong
Dr. HO Chi Pui is a lecturer in the HKU Business School since 2021. He graduated from the University of Hong Kong with B.S. in Actuarial Science and Master of Economics, and obtained his Ph.D. in Economics in 2016. He has also obtained a M.A. in Public Policy and Management from City University of Hong Kong in 2018. After graduation from HKU, he has served as an economist in the Hong Kong SAR Government, as well as a lecturer in the Programme in Data Science and Policy Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Dr. Ho’s teaching and research interests focus on macroeconomics, economic growth, data analytics and Hong Kong economy. He has papers published in academic journals including Pacific Economic Review, Global Finance Journal, Open Economics and Economic Letter. These papers covered Efficiency Wage models, Quantitative Easing issues, long-term unemployment rate topics, Optimal Growth theories and the construction of various indicators to monitor Hong Kong’s economy. He has also developed and updated the Hong Kong primary housing price index and market premium.
- Macroeconomics
- Economic Growth
- Hong Kong Economy
Publications in Refereed Journals:
- Wu Joseph S. K. and Chi-Pui Ho. 2017. “The Shapiro-Stiglitz Model with Non-constant Marginal Utility,” Open Economics, 1(1), 36-48.
- Herbst, Anthony F., Joseph S.K. Wu and Chi-Pui Ho. 2014. “Quantitative Easing Policy in an Open Economy: Not a Liquidity Trap but a Reserve Trap.” Global Finance Journal 25(1), 1-16. (Lead article)
- Herbst, Anthony F., Joseph S.K. Wu and Chi-Pui Ho. 2012. “Relationship between risk attitude and economic recovery in optimal growth theory.” Global Finance Journal 23(3), 141-150. (Lead article)
- Wu, Joseph S.K. and Chi-Pui Ho. 2012. “Towards a more complete efficiency-wage theory.” Pacific Economic Review 17(5), 660-676.
Publications in Government Websites:
- Ho, Chi-Pui. 2019. “Stylised facts on business cycles in Hong Kong,” Economic Letter, 2019/07, Office of the Government Economist.
- Ho, Chi-Pui. 2019. “Composite economic indicators in Hong Kong,” Economic Letter, 2019/08, Office of the Government Economist.
- Ho, Chi-Pui. 2019. “Measuring the stock of human capital in Hong Kong,” Economic Letter, 2019/09, Office of the Government Economist.
近年香港各行业公司(尤其是中小企)对本地营商环境和出口展望偏向审慎,地缘政治导致营商环境挑战重重、内地游客消费模式改变,以及来自周边地区的竞争更趋剧烈。 何志培博士和曹曦月博士根据物流和运输、本地生产总值、物价、劳工市场、产业、人口结构和经济展望指标,运用图表数据分析各范畴表现和未来挑战。
近年香港各行业公司(尤其是中小企)对本地营商环境和出口展望偏向审慎,地缘政治导致营商环境挑战重重、内地游客消费模式改变,以及来自周边地区的竞争更趋剧烈。 何志培博士和曹曦月博士根据物流和运输、本地生产总值、物价、劳工市场、产业、人口结构和经济展望指标,运用图表数据分析各范畴表现和未来挑战。