Dragon Yongjun TANG
Prof. Dragon Yongjun TANG
Associate Director, Centre for Financial Innovation and Development

2219 4321

KK 1004

The Effects of Mandatory ESG Disclosure Around the World

We compile a novel data set on mandatory environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure around the world to analyze the stock liquidity effects of such disclosure mandates. We document a positive effect of ESG disclosure mandates on firm-level stock liquidity. The effects are strongest if the disclosure requirements are implemented by government institutions, not on a comply-or-explain basis, and coupled with strong enforcement by informal institutions. Firms with weaker information environments benefit more from ESG disclosure mandates. Our results support the view that ESG disclosure regulation improves the information environment and has beneficial capital market effects.



Sanctions on Russia Could Drive Moscow Closer to Beijing and Change the Global Financial System

Punitive sanctions incurred by President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine are leaving Russia economically isolated. Speaking on Feb. 24, the day of the incursion, U.S. president Joe Biden announced measures that “exceed anything we’ve ever done.”

綠債發行已逾3000億 香港打造綠色金融重鎮



港大经管学院金融学教授汤勇军及其团队研究发现,利用 CDS满足资本要求的银行能够以更多的资金提供额外的金融服务,但同时贷款期亦可能相对延长,大大增加其资产组合的风险。

港大汤勇军示警 绿色泡沫宜早规管


绿色债券.上|全球新趋势 香港可成绿色金融中心

对全球及未来一代而言,气候变化是最严重的威胁之一,全球日益关注当中涉及的风险,「绿色金融」(Green Finance)亦开始走入公众视线,其中绿色债券(Green Bond)便是常见的金融工具。中国自2016年起连续四年成为绿色债券发行量最大的国家,而现时全球的金融中心在推动绿色债券上亦不遗余力,站在发展前沿的香港亦不例外,特区政府除了积极发行绿色债券外,还致力推出不同的便利措施,吸引企业来港筹集资金,包括参与可持续发展并具有环境效益的投资。然而,绿色金融到底是解决全球暖化的关键,还是只是随波逐流、迎合金融业趋势的工具?两者之间又该怎样取得平衡?

HSBC bet the bank on China. It’s in big trouble if tensions escalate

Prof. Dragon Tang, Area Head of Finance, shares his views on the relationship between HSBC & China.

Findings from University of Hong Kong Update Knowledge of Corporate Finance (Do shareholders benefit from green bonds?)

The research study co-authored by Prof. Dragon Tang, Area Head of Finance and Yupu Zhang, research postgraduate student, is covered by Advisor News.