
3917 0029
3917 4388
MB 335/ KK 920
- PhD: MIT
- Bachelor: UCLA
Heiwai Tang is Victor and William Fung Professor in Economics, Director of the Asia Global Institute and HKU APEC Study Center, as well as the Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). Prior to joining HKU, he was tenured Associate Professor of International Economics at the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) of Johns Hopkins University. He is also affiliated with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (U.S.), the Center of Economic Studies and Ifo Institute (CESIfo, Germany), the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (Germany) and the Globalization and Economic Policy Center (U.K.) as a research fellow. He has been a consultant to the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the United Nations, and the Asian Development Bank; and held visiting positions at the IMF, Stanford, MIT, Harvard. He is currently an associate editor of the Journal of International Economics, the Journal of Comparative Economics and the China Economic Review. Since 2021, he has served on a number of public bodies, including the Currency Board Sub-Committee of the HKMA’s Exchange Fund Advisory Committee and the Minimum Wage Commission in Hong Kong.
Heiwai holds a Ph.D. in economics from MIT and a Bachelor of Science in mathematics from UCLA. His research interests span a wide range of theoretical and empirical topics in international trade, with a specific focus on production networks, global value chains, and China. His research has been published in leading journals in economics, including American Economic Review and Journal of International Economics. His research and opinions have been covered by BBC, Financial Times, New York Times, Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, South China Morning Post, and various think tanks such as the Brookings Institution and the Peterson Institute for International Economics.
Columbia-LBS-HKU EMBA: The New World Order
HKU-PKU DBA: Frontiers in Economics Research
Fudan-HKU IMBA: The New World Order
HKU: Undergraduate Common Core – China in the Global Economy; MBA – Global Economy; Master of Economics – Economic Policy
International Trade, Global Value Chains, Development Economics
- “Trade Networks and Firm Value: Evidence from the US-China Trade War,” Journal of International Economics, forthcoming. (with Yi Huang, Chen Lin, and Sibo Liu)
- “Currency Carry Trade by Trucks: The Curious Case of China’s Massive Imports from Itself”, Review of Finance, 27(2), March 2023, pp. 469–493. (with Xuepeng Liu, Zhi Wang, and Shang-Jin Wei)
- “Do Multinationals Transfer Culture? Evidence on Female Employment in China”, Journal of International Economics, 133, Nov 2021, 103518. (with Yifan Zhang)
- “Domestic Segment of Global Value Chains in China under State Capitalism”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 48(4), Dec 2020, pp. 797-821. (with Fei Wang and Zhi Wang)
- “Why is China Investing in Africa? Evidence from the Firm Level”, World Bank Economic Review, 32(3), Oct 2018, pp. 610-632. (with Wenjie Chen and David Dollar)
- “Are Foreign Firms Favored in China? Firm-level Evidence on the Collection of Value-Added Tax”, Journal of International Business Policy, 1(2), Inaugural Issue, Jun 2018, pp. 71-91. (with Yasheng Huang)
- “Domestic Value Added in Exports: Theory and Firm Evidence from China”, American Economic Review, 106(6), Jun 2016, pp. 1402-1436. (with Hiau Looi Kee)
- “Learning to Export from Neighbors”, Journal of International Economics, 94(1), Sep 2014, pp. 67-84. (with Ana Fernandes)
- “Factor Intensity, Product Switching, and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Exporters”, Journal of International Economics, 92(2), Mar 2014, pp. 349-362. (with Yue Ma and Yifan Zhang)
- “International Politics and Import Diversification”, Journal of Law and Economics, 56(4), Nov 2013, pp. 1091-1121. (with Sergey Mityakov and Kevin Tsui)
- “Determinants of Vertical Integration in Export Processing: Theory and Evidence from China”, Journal of Development Economics, 99(2), Nov 2012, pp. 396-414. (with Ana Fernandes)
- “Labor Market Institutions, Firm-specific Skills, and Trade Patterns”, Journal of International Economics, 87(2), Jul 2012, pp. 337-351.
- APEC Study Center Financial Support from the HKSAR Government, PI, HKD 2,500,000, 2022-2027
- HKU Knowledge Exchange Grant, PI, HKD 497,000, 2023
- Hong Kong RGC Grant, Co-PI, HKD 418,975, 2022-2024
- Committee of 100 Next Generation Leader, 2018
- Richard Paul Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy Grant, Columbia University, Co-PI, USD 14,500.
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) of Canada Insight Grant, Co-Investigator, CAD 78,736
- Student-Elected Best Professor of the Master of International Econ and Finance Program, JHU SAIS, 2016-2017
- Alcoa Foundation Grant, Co-PI, USD 500,000, 2016-2019
- Hong Kong RGC Grant, Co-PI, HKD 364,378, 2017-2019
- Outstanding Referee Journal of International Economics, 2014-2017.
- Hong Kong RGC Grant, Co-PI, HKD 336,462, 2011-2013
- The Nuffield Foundation Social Science Grant, SGS/36581, Co-PI, £12,000, 2009-2011
- MIT Presidential Fellowship, 2002-2003
- Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal of the HKSAR government, member, 2023 –
- Panel of Arbitrators of the Labour Relations Ordinance, HKSAR, member, 2023 –
- Insurance Authority in Hong Kong SAR, Member of the Industry Advisory Committee, 2022 –
- Telecommunications Appeal Board of the HKSAR Government, Member, 2022 –
- Currency Board Sub-Committee of the HKMA Exchange Fund Advisory Committee, Member, 2021-
- Minimum Wage Commission in Hong Kong SAR, Member, 2021 –
- Pacific Economic Review, Managing Editor, 2022 –
- Journal of International Economics, Associate Editor, 2019 – 2022
- China Economic Review, Associate Editor, 2018 –
- Journal of Comparative Economics, Associate Editor, 2017 – 2023
- China Economics Summer Institute, Academic Committee Member, 2017 –
- International Finance Corporation (IFC), Consultant, 2017 –
- United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Consultant, 2016 – 2017
- Asian Development Bank, Consultant, 2016 – 2017
- IMF, Research Department, Visiting Scholar, 2015 – 2016
- World Bank, Consultant, 2013 – 2017
由日本经济学家赤松要(Kaname Akamatsu)在1930年代提出的“雁行理论”(Flying Geese Paradigm),描述东亚国家从劳动密集型制造业,向资本和技术密集型产业升级发展。雁行理论指出,作为“领头雁”的日本率先完成工业化,并通过外国直接投资带动其他国家发展,令东亚经济形成了一种相互依存、梯度推进的产业分工体系,其结构有如天空中的雁群。此理论在二战后几十年的经济实践中得到验证,日本企业全球扩张的策略不但塑造了东亚制造业的格局,也成为后来中国、南韩等国家企业全球化之范本。
在歷史上一直是國際上重要貿易樞紐的香港,正面臨着來自亞洲其他貨運港口的發展、跨境電子商貿的興起,以及新冠疫情和地緣政治緊張局勢所造成的挑戰。越來越多的公司採取「中國+N」策略來擴展生產網絡和降低風險。 隨著中國及其周邊國家在亞洲推動工業發展,港大經管學院副院長及亞洲環球研究所總監鄧希煒教授認為香港必須重新定義其戰略策略性定位,專注成為中國與新興經濟體之間的門戶,識別在區域供應鏈中具有比較優勢的環節,並通過把握新全球化趨勢來應對地緣政治緊張局勢。
随着中国于2001年加入世贸组织,香港的转口港地位逐渐减弱,尤其是在中药材的进出口方面。邓希炜教授指出,内地港口快速发展,令香港在这一行业的依赖性降低。他提到,内地的生产力不断提高,运输成本也持续下降。例如,香港处理一个货柜的成本约为2,000美元,需停留三到五天,而在深圳或上海,成本可以减半甚至更多。随着港口自动化和数位转型,香港面临的不仅是内地的竞争,还有来自亚洲其他港口的挑战。 邓教授强调,过去依赖转口贸易的行业必须寻找新的出路。他表示,「2000年左右,每一元来到香港再转口,我们可以赚取大概五毫;今时今日一元来香港再转口,大概只剩下两毫。」反映竞争加剧和成本压力增加,导致利润逐渐降低。他指出,这不仅影响中药材的出口,整体上出口都有类似情况,显示出香港在全球贸易格局中所面临的挑战。
随着香港面临人口老龄化和低出生率的问题,许多退休人士发现自己在财务上准备不足。港大经管学院副院长及亚洲环球研究所总监邓希炜教授在亚洲金融论坛(AFF)上分享了他的看法,指出「香港的养老寿险产品订阅量实际上非常少。」他进一步指出,香港的强积金(MPF)只能覆盖约40%的退休前收入,导致生活质量显著下降。 随着香港公共医疗系统变得越来越拥挤,而私人服务成本高昂,大湾区(GBA)提供了一个有前景的替代方案,那里的生活和医疗成本显著降低。邓教授还表示:「我们开始看到很多香港人北上消费……但越来越多的人也会北上进行常规的医疗和牙科服务。」他建议,一个潜在的方向是开发保险产品,以覆盖市民在大湾区退休时的需求。
香港政府预计本年度将出现近1000亿港元的赤字,这一数字远高于去年二月最初预测的481亿港元。国际货币基金组织(IMF)强调,香港需要增强税收以应对与人口老龄化相关的支出压力。 港大经管学院副院长及亚洲环球研究所总监邓希炜教授支持通过提高税率或扩大税基来解决可能出现的结构性财政赤字问题。他指出政府官员存在一种“心理陷阱”,认为提高税收会损害生产力,同时指出新加坡实施商品及服务税(GST)并未在中期内影响生产力。他表示:“扩大税基,特别是引入销售税,将是一条单行道”,强调随著政府开支增长,需寻求可持续的收入来源。
港大经管学院副院长及亚洲环球研究所总监邓希炜教授指出近年不少内地企业因应内地经济转型及增长放缓,欲透过香港集资及出海。 他强调:「内地企业有双总部概念,研发制造总部多于大湾区的深圳,对外贸易及集资业务设在香港,正是看中本港金融市场拥有全球视野,有助拓展业务。」
香港经济自二战后尽管经历多次起伏,其国际金融及贸易中心地位,依然在世界经济舞台上历久不衰。 然而,面对近年全球经济增长放缓、区域竞争激烈及地缘政治局势恶化,香港作为高度外向型的自由经济体,我们不能因为过去均能化危为机便心存侥幸。 时移世易,香港现时面对人口老化等诸多内忧,加上外部挑战,未必如昔日般「耐寒」。