
3917 1640
KK 1317
- PhD (Management and Organization), University of Iowa, 2012-2015
- Principles of Management
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- Team Social Network
- Leader Succession
- Work and Time
- Hom, P. W., Rogers, K., Allen, D. G., Zhang, M., Lee, C., & Zhao, H. H. (2025). Feel the pressure? Normative pressures as a unifying mechanism for relational antecedents of employee turnover. Human Resource Management, 64(1), 77-98.
- Zhao, H. H., Shipp, A. J., Carter, K., Gonzalez‐Mulé, E., & Xu, E. (2024). Time and change: A meta‐analysis of temporal decisions in longitudinal studies. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(4), 620-640.
- Zhao, H. H., Deng, H., Chen, R. Parker, S. K. & Zhang, W. (2022) Fast or slow: How temporal work design shapes experienced passage of time and job performance. Academy of Management Journal. 65(6), 2014-2033.
- Zhao, H. H., Li, N., Harris, T. B., Rosen, C. C., & Zhang, X. (2021). Informational Advantages in Social Networks: The Core-Periphery Divide in Peer Performance Ratings. Journal of Applied Psychology. 106(7), 1093-1102.
- Zheng, X., Zhao, H.H., Li, N. & Liu, X. (2019) Network Reconfiguration: The Implications of Recognizing Top Performers in Teams. Journal of Occupational and Organizational and Psychology, 92(4), 825-847.
- Lam, W., Lee, C., Taylor, M. S., & Zhao, H. H. (2018). Does Proactive Personality Matter in Leadership Transitions? Effects of Proactive Personality on New Leader Identification and Responses to New Leaders and their Change Agendas. Academy of Management Journal. 61(1), 245-263.
- Deng, H., Walter, F., Lam, C. K., & Zhao, H. H. (2017). Spillover Effects of Emotional Labor in Customer Service Encounters Toward Coworker Harming: A Resource Depletion Perspective. Personnel Psychology. 70(2), 469-502.
- Zhao, H. H., Seibert, S. E., Taylor, M. S., Lee, C., & Lam, W. (2016). Not Even the Past: The Joint Influence of Former Leader and New Leader During Leader Succession in the Midst of Organizational Change. Journal of Applied Psychology. 101(12), 1730-1738.
- Li, N., Zhao, H. H., Walter, S. L., Zhang, X., & Yu, J. (2015). Achieving More With Less: Extra Milers’ Behavioral Influences in Teams. Journal of Applied Psychology. 100(4), 1025-1039.
- Huang, G., Zhao, H. H.*, Niu, X., Ashford, S. J., & Lee, C. (2013). Reducing Job Insecurity and Increasing Performance Ratings: Does Impression Management Matter? Journal of Applied Psychology. 98(5), 852-862. (*correspondence author)
机构时常依赖同侪绩效评级来分析雇员在工作上独特且难以被察觉的贡献。尽管此举行之有效,然而同侪之间会出现对受评人评级的准确度及资讯效用的差异。在此研究中,我们建立且测试的理论显示,评核者的社交网络地位能有系统地解释上述差异。根据讯息处理理论,我们假设在社交网络中占据核心(外围)位置的成员可获更多(更少)有关受评人的表现的第一及第二手资讯,这与准确的绩效评级关联性更强(较弱)。为了在互相关联的场景设置下取得「真实」的绩效表现评分,我们采用外部标准比较方法作为我们的论点的基准参数。这样,既定的绩效预测指标(即受评人的一般心理能力 [GMA] 和责任心)和同侪绩效评级的有效性系数会增强,从而反映社交网络核心(外围)成员更准确(准备度较低)的评级。在研究一中,我们使用一家技术初创公司的机构网络去研究核心及外围成员对受评人绩效方面的GMA有效性系数。于研究二中,我们尝试在团队网络中复制及延伸研究一的结论,并使用受评人的责任心作为基准指标。两项研究结果均支持上述假设,即核心社交网络成员比外围成员提供更清楚、更准确的同侪绩效评级。
The article by Dr. Ning Li, Associate Professor at Tippie College of Business, The University of Iowa, and Dr. Helen Hailin Zhou, Assistant Professor in Management Strategy
The article by Dr. Helen Hailin Zhou, Assistant Professor in Management Strategy and Dr. Ning Li, Assocaite Professor at Tippie College of Business, The University of Iowa