Prof. Jie GONG
Associate Professor

3910 3103

KK 1337

Academic & Professional Qualification
  • PhD: Northwestern University
  • Bachelor: Peking University

Jie Gong is an associate professor of management and strategy at The University of Hong Kong. Prior to HKU, she has taught at National University of Singapore, where she won the NUS Business School teaching excellence award.

Dr. Gong’s main research area lies at the intersection of organizational economics, personnel economics, and labor economics. It focuses on human capital accumulation and explores how firms can design organizations and operations to better manage their talents. Recently, Dr. Gong has studied topics on automation and human-machine complementarity.

Dr. Gong has published in leading academic journals such as the Management Science, Journal of Labor Economics, and the Journal of Public Economics.

Dr. Gong earned her BA in mathematical logic and economics from Peking University and PhD in Managerial Economics from Northwestern University, Kellogg.

Research Interest
  • Organizational economics
  • Personnel economics
  • Labor economics
Selected Publications
  • “Automation Enables Specialization: Field Evidence,” (with Ivan Png), Management Science, Vol 70, Issue 3, (March 2024) pp. 1580-1595.
  • “Choosing the Pond: On-the-job Experience and Long-Run Career Outcomes,” (with Ang Sun and Zhichao Wei), Management Science, Vol 64, Issue 2, (February 2018) pp. 860–872.
  • “The Effect of Teacher Gender on Students’ Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes,” (with Yi Lu and Hong Song), Journal of Labor Economics, Vol 36, No. 3, (July 2018) pp. 743–778.
  • “Recover Overnight? Work Interruption and Worker Productivity,” (with Xiqian Cai, Yi Lu and Songfa Zhong), Management Science, Vol 64, Issue 8, (August 2018) pp. 3489–3500.
  • “Gender Peer Effects on Students’ Academic and Noncognitive Outcomes: Evidence and Mechanism,” (with Yi Lu and Hong Song), Journal of Human Resources, Volume 56, No. 3, (Summer 2021) pp. 686-710.
  • “The Returns to an Additional Year of Education for College Graduates,” (with Jessica Pan), Journal of Public Economics, Vol 218, (Feb 2023) 104796.
Recent Publications
超级80/20法则: AI时代下知识创作

19世纪末,经济学家维尔弗雷多·帕累托(Vilfredo Pareto)观察到意大利80%的财富集中在20%的人手中。这一现象后来被美国管理学者约瑟夫·朱兰(Joseph Juran)进一步发展,推论出著名的“80/20法则”:80%的结果(输出)往往归于20%的投入(输入)。


本文结合新加坡最大的公立大学的学生记录与收入调查数据,估算拥有学士学位的毕业生若多接受一年高等本科教育的回报。部份学院第四(荣誉)年的资格取决于第三年末成绩是否达标,我们通过断点回归设计对此进行研究。相对于成绩差一点就达标的学生,第三年末平均成绩略高于门槛的学生明显更有可能完成第四年课程,并且于毕业后有更高的收入。额外一年的本科教育为学生在毕业六个月后带来的收入回报率约为 12%。结合税收数据亦显示学生在毕业后至少四年仍受惠于此持续回报。此外,即使大学降低门槛以鼓励更多学生完成第四年本科教育,额外一年高等教育带来的收入回报仍然可观,证明此现象并不完全源于教育的信号机制。