Thomas Andreas Maurer
Prof. Thomas Andreas MAURER
Associate Professor

3917 7496

KK 837

Academic & Professional Qualification

PhD in Finance, London School of Economics, 2012

MSc in Finance and Economics, London School of Economics, 2008

BA in Economics, University of St Gallen, 2006


Thomas Andreas Maurer is an Associate Professor of Finance at the HKU Business School, The University of Hong Kong. Before joining HKU in 2019, he was an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Olin Business School, Washington University in St. Louis from 2012 to 2019. Thomas earned his London School of Economics MSc in Finance and Economics degree in 2008 and his LSE PhD in Finance degree in 2012. During his PhD studies he has spent one year as a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

His research contributions are in the area of theoretical and empirical asset pricing, international finance and household finance. He regularly serves as a committee member for academic conferences and as an academic referee for many major economics and finance journals.

At HKU, Thomas is teaching classes on derivative securities to undergraduate students. In 2017, the graduating Master of Finance class at Wash U has chosen him as the best teacher and he was awarded the Reid teaching prize for the professor “whose enthusiasm and exceptional teaching most inspire, energize, and transform students”.


FINA2322 Derivatives

Research Interest

Asset pricing

International Finance

Household Finance

Selected Publications
  • “Reproducibility in Management Science,” (Miloš Fišar, Ben Greiner, Christoph Huber, Elena Katok, Ali I. Ozkes, and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration), Management Science, 2024, 70(3), 1343-1356.
    *contributing as a member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration team.
  • “Importance of Transaction Costs for Asset Allocation in Foreign Exchange Markets,” (with Ilias Filippou, Luca Pezzo and Mark P. Taylor), Journal of Financial Economics, 2024, 159, 103886.
  • “Market Timing and Predictability in FX Markets,” (with Thuy-Duong Tô and Ngoc-Khanh Tran), Review of Finance,2023, 27(1), 223-246.
  • “Pricing Implications of Covariances and Spreads in Currency Markets,” (with Thuy-Duong Tô and Ngoc-Khanh Tran), The Review of Asset Pricing Studies, 2022, 12(1), 336-388.
  • “Entangled Risks in Incomplete FX Markets,” (with Ngoc-Khanh Tran), Journal of Financial Economics, 2021, 142(1), 146-165.
  • “Pricing Risks Across Currency Denominations,” (with Thuy-Duong Tô and Ngoc-Khanh Tran), Management Science, 2019, 65(11), 5308-5336.
Recent Publications

强积金是香港的强制性公积金计划,旨在为居民提供基本的退休保障。在过去25年里,强积金对香港普惠金融的发展起了重要的推动作用,成功鼓励了家庭参与证券市场。然而,其年化回报率偏低的问题一直备受批评。随着积金易平台即将推出,不同强积金计划将可以整合到统一数码制度中,这正好提供一个有利的契机,以对香港的主要退休储蓄制度作出重大改进。 关颖伦教授、Thomas Maurer教授及太明珠教授分析了导致强积金表现欠佳的三个主要原因:资产配置过于保守,限制了收益潜力;部分强积金产品质量不高,管理或投资策略存在缺陷;以及高昂的费用,直接侵蚀了投资者的回报。针对这些问题,他们向政府提出了以下建议:首先,政府可以修订预设投资策略以进一步降低费率,同时积金局亦可以邀请收费较低的新服务供应商进入市场。其次,政府应积极监察资产配置,透过采取规定性措施、推广理财教育及筛选强积金资讯,协助市场参与者了解强积金复杂的投资产品空间。第三,政府可以开拓强积金的产品空间,引入更多元化的投资选择。最后,积金局应提高数据透明度,并善用其数据资源进行分析。





