Y.C. Richard Wong
Prof. Y.C. Richard WONG, SBS, JP
Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Chair of Economics
Director, Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy
Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy

2859 1122

KK 1021

How Hong Kong Common Law reinforce the business environment in Shenzhen by Prof. Richard Wong

Prof. Y.C. Richard WONG, SBS, JP, Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy, shared his views on Hong Kong Common Law and Shenzhen's business environment.

Commentary on Hong Kong’s housing issue by Prof. Richard Wong

Prof. Y.C. Richard WONG, SBS, JP, Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy, shared his views on local housing issue in a webinar organised by Our Hong Kong Foundation

The Cold War and the Ascendance of America’s Research University

The article 《冷戰與美國研究型大學勃興》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「大講堂」

The Economic Contribution of Recent Immigrants

The article 《新移民對香港經濟的貢獻》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「大講堂」

Family Stability Under the Tenant Purchase Scheme: A 20-Year Experiment

The article 《租置計劃推出二十年對家庭穩定性所起的作用》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「大講堂」

Hong Kong can ease its housing crisis by giving more families a chance to buy public housing flats

Article by Professor Richard Wong, Chair of Economics and Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy

To solve a uniquely Hong Kong conundrum, let all public renters buy their flats

Article by Professor Richard Wong, Chair of Economics and Philip Wong Kennedy Wong Professor in Political Economy

Let All Public Renters Buy Their Flats – Labor Market Consequences

The article 《租置計劃推出二十年對勞工市場的影響》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「大講堂」

When Teenagers are Unable to Learn From Their Parents

The article 《養不教乃父之過?》 was originally published in Hong Kong Economic Journal column 「大講堂」