Does Liquidity Management Induce Fragility in Treasury Prices? Evidence from Bond Mutual Funds
Does Liquidity Management Induce Fragility in Treasury Prices? Evidence from Bond Mutual Funds
Mutual funds investing in illiquid corporate bonds actively manage Treasury positions to buffer redemption shocks. This liquidity management practice can transmit non-fundamental fund flow shocks onto Treasuries, generating excess return volatility. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that Treasury excess return volatility is positively associated with bond fund ownership, and this pattern is more pronounced among funds conducting intensive liquidity management. Causal evidence is provided by exploiting the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s 2017 Liquidity Risk Management Rule. Evidence also suggests that the COVID-19 Treasury market turmoil was attributed to intensified liquidity management, an unintended consequence of the 2017 Liquidity Risk Management Rule.

The Interactions of Customer Reviews and Price and Their Dual Roles in Conveying Quality Information
The Interactions of Customer Reviews and Price and Their Dual Roles in Conveying Quality Information
Customer reviews help communicate product information, but their effectiveness may suffer from selection bias (i.e., depending on factors, such as the individual experience and price, not all consumers may voluntarily write reviews). Consequently, a seller may have to resort to additional means (e.g., signaling through price in the context of an experience good) to convey its quality. This paper develops an analytical model to investigate the interaction of customer reviews and price with the presence of selection bias in marketing an experience good with uncertain quality to consumers. Our analysis reveals the dual roles played by both customer reviews and price in communicating quality information. On one hand, customer reviews may either directly convey product information with unbiased distribution of reviews or facilitate price signaling when reviews are biased because of selection. On the other hand, price may be adjusted to mitigate the selection bias of reviews to make them more informative, and it may also signal quality directly in the presence of review bias. As a result, we show that bias in reviews may actually benefit consumers without compromising information communication as the incentive to reduce review selection bias makes it credible and profitable for the high-quality seller to signal its type by undercutting the price that would be set if it is of low quality. We then extend our analysis to examine the information, profits, and welfare impacts of several important design elements of a review system as well as the impact of consumers’ aversion to risk. Finally, the implications of our findings on the management of user-generated content and pricing are discussed.

Manipulation, Panic Runs, and the Short Selling Ban
Manipulation, Panic Runs, and the Short Selling Ban
Short selling regulation has been a longstanding topic of debate in financial markets, particularly during times of crisis. While proponents argue that short selling aids in price discovery and market efficiency, critics raise concerns about manipulative short selling practices that can destabilize markets. This paper presents a theoretical model to analyze the impact of short selling, specifically manipulative short selling (MSS), on bank runs and efficiency. The model demonstrates that MSS can emerge as an equilibrium outcome driven by uninformed speculators seeking to profit from artificially depressing stock prices. The prevalence of MSS is influenced by the level of informed trading and coordination friction among creditors. We find that short selling bans can enhance welfare by mitigating the negative effects of MSS, particularly in scenarios with high coordination frictions. We also provide policy and empirical implications.

Corporate Lobbying of Bureaucrats
Corporate Lobbying of Bureaucrats
Executive agencies play a pivotal role in shaping the regulatory environment by crafting rules, enforcing regulations, and overseeing government contracts—all of which can have a profound impact on businesses. For firms, this potential impact creates a clear incentive for firms to influence these agencies, particularly during the critical stages of rulemaking and enforcement. In this context, lobbying emerges as a key tool that companies use to mold the regulatory landscape to their advantage. Unlike politicians, whose decisions are often swayed by electoral cycles and campaign contributions, agency officials are not elected, serve longer terms, and are less susceptible to direct political pressures. As a result, engaging in lobbying efforts with executive agencies is both more complicated and strategically crucial for firms operating within heavily regulated industries. However, the dynamics of such lobbying remain underexplored in the literature.
How to Recover from Work Stress, According to Science
How to Recover from Work Stress, According to Science
To combat stress and burnout, employers are increasingly offering benefits like virtual mental health support, spontaneous days or even weeks off, meeting-free days, and flexible work scheduling. Despite these efforts and the increasing number of employees buying into the importance of wellness, the effort is lost if you don’t actually recover. So, if you feel like you’re burning out, what works when it comes to recovering from stress? The authors discuss the “recovery paradox” — that when our bodies and minds need to recover and reset the most, we’re the least likely and able to do something about it — and present five research-backed strategies for recovering from stress at work.

研究企业之间的协调行为 – 郝宇博士
研究企业之间的协调行为 – 郝宇博士

构想虚拟货币的未来 – 游杨博士
构想虚拟货币的未来 – 游杨博士


超级80/20法则: AI时代下知识创作
超级80/20法则: AI时代下知识创作
19世纪末,经济学家维尔弗雷多·帕累托(Vilfredo Pareto)观察到意大利80%的财富集中在20%的人手中。这一现象后来被美国管理学者约瑟夫·朱兰(Joseph Juran)进一步发展,推论出著名的“80/20法则”:80%的结果(输出)往往归于20%的投入(输入)。
特朗普二度上台后,各种政策迅速登场,执行时大刀阔斧、雷厉风行。才一个多月,改变比任何新上任的国家元首所做的为多,令人目不暇给。在国内事务方面,大量驱逐境内的非法移民和裁减联邦政府部门和雇员, 包括一夜间关闭了美国国际开发署(USAID)。在国际事务方面更为“革命性”,和俄罗斯冰释前嫌的同时,对作为多年盟友的欧洲来个变脸,彻底地颠覆了80年来的国际秩序。
由日本经济学家赤松要(Kaname Akamatsu)在1930年代提出的“雁行理论”(Flying Geese Paradigm),描述东亚国家从劳动密集型制造业,向资本和技术密集型产业升级发展。雁行理论指出,作为“领头雁”的日本率先完成工业化,并通过外国直接投资带动其他国家发展,令东亚经济形成了一种相互依存、梯度推进的产业分工体系,其结构有如天空中的雁群。此理论在二战后几十年的经济实践中得到验证,日本企业全球扩张的策略不但塑造了东亚制造业的格局,也成为后来中国、南韩等国家企业全球化之范本。
踏入2025年,中国人工智能(AI)领域取得标志性突破。 深度求索(DeepSeek)推出的R1模型,以557万美元的超低训练成本(仅为GPT-4的5%)媲美美国OpenAI o1模型的性能表现。
港府有空间发千亿债 灭赤关键
港府有空间发千亿债 灭赤关键

超级80/20法则: AI时代下知识创作
超级80/20法则: AI时代下知识创作
19世纪末,经济学家维尔弗雷多·帕累托(Vilfredo Pareto)观察到意大利80%的财富集中在20%的人手中。这一现象后来被美国管理学者约瑟夫·朱兰(Joseph Juran)进一步发展,推论出著名的“80/20法则”:80%的结果(输出)往往归于20%的投入(输入)。