How did Wanda founder Wang Jianlin escape the wave that swept away embattled Evergrande property tycoon Hui Ka Yan?
2024 | 學院新聞
How did Wanda founder Wang Jianlin escape the wave that swept away embattled Evergrande property tycoon Hui Ka Yan?
Prof. Zhiwu Chen, Chair Professor of Finance at HKU Business School, commented, "In China, government policy is always crucial for private companies, both on their way up and now on their way down. Now, many private businesspeople understand that both economic and political reforms have to go hand in hand; without one, the other cannot sustain in the long run."
出書,演講,評論,他觀察中國,也參與中國,溶金融邏輯於中國水土。 在資本的海洋中,他俯身細看數字背後的人文,用簡潔的經濟學語言,解釋文明演進與社會建構。 他談理想宏願,唯萬家燈火,是其經濟學思想的倒影,仍未倦,且駐講台,傳道授業解惑。 在東西方思想交會處,他篤定,做兩者的橋樑。