Polymer Inter-varsity ESG Case Challenge 2022


Polymer Capital is a leading alternative investment firm with a market-neutral, multi-manager platform investing in liquid securities with a strong Asia focus.  One of the missions of Polymer is to discover and to develop the region’s best talent.  With this, Polymer intends to bring this down to the university level and host an Inter-varsity Case Challenge giving our young talent the opportunity to learn and research the assets/funds management industry, by designing an ESG theme as one of the hedge fund strategies for the Asia Pacific Region portfolio.

Polymer invited HKU as one of the participants.  The first round of the Case Competition was held on 5th September at the newly established HKU Business School Centre in Exchange Square 2.  Four teams were competing in the first round of HKU Championship.   We have three esteemed panellists, Mr King Au, Executive Director of Financial Services Development Council, Mr Hillman Wong, Head of Capital Markets, Polymer and Ms Janet Li, Head of Wealth, Mercer putting their votes to the best team and the best presenter.

Each of the teams has chosen a topic, ranging from electrical vehicle, smart city, smart energy and ESG disclosures.  During the course of the team’s preparation, an advisor was assigned to each team who could provide some guidance along their path.

Dr King Au, “we are really amazed and nicely surprised by the quality of each and every team’s presentation, they were deeply thought out, well researched and recommendation sinks well with the thoughts.  Picking the Champion team has been tough for the panellists.”

The champion goes to team RAC Capital comprising of Rachel Yip (AMPB III), Carson Lui (IBGM III) and Ande Chong (IBGM III) with a portfolio built on Smart Energy.   The team will be representing HKU to compete in the Polymer Inter-varsity ESG Case Challenge 2022 on 28th October (Friday).  Gavin Chung (AMPB III) and Leslie Li (AMPB III) were selected as joint Best Presenters.

Congratulations to all the participants.  We look forward to seeing our HKU-RAC Capital on stage soon.


The winning team (Ande, Rachel, and Carson from left to right in the middle) with Polymer and the Faculty


The best presenters (Leslie and Gavin from left to right in the middle) with the Faculty


Everyone “thumbs-up”

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