China Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao Digital Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2024

China Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao Digital Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2024

The China Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao Digital Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2024 was hosted by the China Chamber of International Commerce (CCOIC) and HKU SAAS Data Science Lab, and organized by International Association of Business Management Simulation. The Competition aimed to promote informatization and advance the modernization of economic and trade practices, and served as a platform for students to demonstrate their talents and engage in exchange activities.

Students were required to submit a business plan and prepare related PowerPoints for a road show. On January 20, 2024, 10 finalist teams from 8 universities in mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao competed. The HKU team was awarded the 2nd Runner-up!  (Traditional Chinese Version only)

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Digital Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition_1

Award: 2nd Runner Up

Team Name: The first emperor has never been in the middle of a collapse group (先帝創業從未中道崩組)

Team Members:

Ms. Wen Cuiyi, BEcon&Fin, Year 1 (Team Leader)

Ms. Li Yihan, BBA(ADA), Year 1

Ms. Xi Chang, BBA, Year 1

 (The team comprises 1 other team member from other Faculty of The University of Hong Kong)


Students Sharing :

“We are so proud and excited to receive such an amazing award in Year 1 at HKU Business School! During the competition, what touched me most was the unconditional trust, the successful cooperation, and full devotion among the four members of the team. We fully respect each other’s ideas, which further brought out more brilliant ideas and innovations about our product. As the team leader, the competition also taught me that being a leader not only means leading and instructing but is also about responsibilities, devotion, and strength. It is so lucky of me to meet such an amazing group and have such a brilliant experience! I sincerely believe we all gained and growth a lot from this competition.”

(By Wen Cuiyi)

“I am feeling so happy and proud of my amazing group mates for the award! This is actually our first time to stand on a competition stage and deliver a speech of our own business idea. I learnt how to write a business plan and apply digital economy to address the market needs. We have done extensive market research in the beginning stages and polished our project continually. It was much appreciated that the judges provided useful advice on our idea, which highly motivated us to carve out a business and dig deeper into the industry. Last but not least, I am deeply grateful to HKUBS for providing us all the information related to business competition, which helps us gaining out of classroom experience and be better prepared for our future careers.”

(By Li Yihan)

“My friends and I are all interested in business. Hence, we decided to sign up for this exciting business competition once received the promotional email from HKU Business School. Due to our lack of experience, we encountered many difficulties in preparing for the competition, such as estimating costs and financing with only one design proposal. To overcame the challenges, we tried to reach out and visited many companies in the upstream and downstream sectors, and conducted extensive market research. Ultimately, we completed the competition and achieved satisfactory results. This experience also sparked my interest in researching how to advance and implement our proposal. I want to thank my amazing teammates and the University! I will continue to work hard and strive for excellence!”

(By Xi Chang)



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