Deloitte Digital Camp 2023


Deloitte Digital Camp 2023 provided an excellent platform for digital talents to showcase their skills and learn from industry leaders. Since its launch in 2017, ten of thousands of students have participated in the competition.

This year, the Camp focused on the commercialization of AI technology, where students and their mentors explored ways to maximize the commercial value of AI. The competition began with an online test as first-round screening. Eligible students were invited to the semi-final round and attended mentor sharing sessions to match with their preferred mentor, submit the corresponding topic assignment, and confirm their team selection. Upon team formation, the mentors led their own team and helped prepare its members for the final round.

In the final round, teams competed for the top three places by showcasing their skills and knowledge in AI technology commercialization.

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Mr. Lau Pak Hei, BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 4

(1 other team member from HKU Postgraduate Programme and 3 other team members from other universities)


Students Sharing:

“Deloitte Digital Camp 2023 is a truly precious opportunity for me to work with students from different APAC countries, from diverse disciplines, and speaking different languages. During the competition, I gained a lot of insight into generative AI technology and how it could be integrated into different industries and business models to create value. This Challenge gave me the opportunity to interact and network with like-minded students, Deloitte mentors, and industry professionals. Despite having a tight deadline, our team was able to delegate tasks according to each of our own strengths and come up with a feasible business solution and captivating presentation. Without doubt, the diversity of disciplines inside the team and supportive and knowledgeable mentors contributed to our team’s eventual success in the competition.”

(By LAU Pak Hei)

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